
Basic string library

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Basic string library

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Basic string library


  • Supports ascii string and multibyte string
  • Provide facade interface(xs)


Facade interface(xs)

use stk2k\xstring\xs;

// Length
echo xs::length('Hello');    // 5
echo xs::length('你好');    // 2

// Join
echo xs::join(',', [1,2,3]);    // 1,2,3

// Index of
echo xs::indexOf('Hello', 'e');    // 1

// Contains
echo xs::contains('Hello', 'ell');    // true

// Starts with
echo xs::startsWith('Hello', 'He');    // true

// Ends with
echo xs::endsWith('Hello', 'lo');    // true

// Substring
echo xs::substring('Hello', 1, 2);    // el

// Remove
echo xs::remove('Hello', 1, 2);    // Hlo

// Insert
echo xs::insert('Hello World!', 5, ',');    // Hello, World!

// To lower case
echo xs::toLower('Hello');    // hello

// To upper case
echo xs::toUpper('Hello');    // HELLO

// Trim left and right
echo xs::trim(' [Hello] ');    // [Hello]

// Trim left
echo xs::trimStart(' [Hello] ', ' [');    // Hello]

// Trim right
echo xs::trimEnd(' [Hello] ', ' ]');    // [Hello

// Replace
echo xs::replace('Hello, World!', 'o', 'e');    // Helle, Werld!

// Replace by regular expression
echo xs::replaceRegEx('Hello, World!', '/o/', 'e');    // Helle, Werld!

// method chain
echo xs::trim(' [Hello] ')->toLower()->remove(1,2);    // [hlo]

// format
//  - see more samples: https://github.com/stk2k/xstring-format
echo xs::format('Hello, {0}!', 'David');    // Hello, David!

// foreach
xs::each('Hello', function($c){
    echo $c . '.';    // H.e.l.l.o.

// match
echo xs::match('Hello, World!', '/lo/');                      // ["lo"]
echo xs::match('Foo123, Bar456, Foo789', '/Foo([0-9]+)/');    // ['Foo123','123']

global function(s)

use function stk2k\xstring\globals\s;

echo s('Hello');                // Hello
echo s('Hello')->length();      // 5
echo s('Hello')->toLower();     // hello

// foreach
foreach(s('Hello') as $c){
    echo $c . '.';    // H.e.l.l.o.


use stk2k\xstring\xStringArray;

$sa = new xStringArray(['a', 'b', 'c']);

echo count($sa);                // 3
foreach($sa as $i) echo $i;     // abc
echo $sa->join(',');            // a,b,c
echo $sa->get(1);               // b
echo $sa[1];                    // b
echo $sa;                       // {"0":"a","2":"c"}
$sa[1] = 'Foo';
echo $sa;                       // {"0":"a","2":"c","1":"Foo"}


use stk2k\xstring\xStringBuffer;

$b = new xStringBuffer('abc');
$c = new xStringBuffer('a,b,c');

echo $b->length();                  // 3
echo $c->length();                  // 5
foreach($b as $i) echo $i;          // abc
echo json_encode($c->split(','));   // ["a","b","c"]
echo json_encode($b->split());      // ["a","b","c"]
echo $b->append('d');               // abcd


PHP 7.2 or later

Installing stk2k/xstring

The recommended way to install stk2k/xstring is through Composer.

composer require stk2k/xstring

After installing, you need to require Composer's autoloader:

require 'vendor/autoload.php';


This library is licensed under the MIT license.




This software is no warranty.

We are not responsible for any results caused by the use of this software.

Please use the responsibility of the your self.