
This repository is meant to get a configuration set for installing a fresh server for Docker hosting.

Primary LanguageShell

Docker server environment scripts and configurations

This repository is meant to get a configuration set for installing a fresh server for Docker hosting. It’s specialized for my personal usage, but if it fits your needs, feel free to use it and give your feedback.

Base path

All scripts and configurations files are written in order to perform in /root/docker-server-env folder. Please, adapt them if you want to clone this git repository elsewhere.

Base installation

Skip this part if your hosting provider has already provisionned your server with latest docker and docker-compose services.

# Base apps
apt-get update;
apt-get install sudo curl nano git zsh;

# Install oh-my-zsh
sh -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.github.com/robbyrussell/oh-my-zsh/master/tools/install.sh)"

# Clone this repository in root’s home
git clone https://github.com/ambroisemaupate/docker-server-env.git /root/docker-server-env;

# Execute base installation
# It will install more lib, secure postfix and pull base docker images
cd /path/to/docker-server-env
# Pass DISTRIB env to install [ubuntu/debian]
# sudo DISTRIB="debian" bash ./install.sh if not root
DISTRIB="debian" bash ./install.sh

Some of the docker images I use in this environment

  • traefik: as the main front proxy. It handles Let’s Encrypt certificates too.
  • jwilder/nginx-proxy (deprecated, use Traefik)
  • alastaircoote/docker-letsencrypt-nginx-proxy-companion: For automatic Let’s encrypt certificate issuing and configuration (deprecated, use Traefik)
  • roadiz/standard-edition (for PHP7 and Nginx 1.9.11+)
  • solr (I limit heap size to 256m because we don’t usually use big document data, and it can be painful on a small VPS server)
  • ambroisemaupate/ftp-backup
  • ambroisemaupate/ftp-cleanup
  • ambroisemaupate/light-ssh, For SSH access directly inside your container with some useful command as mysqldump, git and composer.
  • ambroisemaupate/mariadb: for older roadiz/standard-edition and roadiz/roadiz images
  • mariadb: for latest php72-alpine-nginx images and all official docker images
  • gitlab-ce: If you want to setup your own Gitlab instance with a dedicated registry, all running on docker

Using docker-compose

This server environment is optimized to work with docker-compose for declaring your services.

You’ll find examples to launch front-proxy and Roadiz based containers with docker-compose in compose/ folder. Just copy the sample example-se/ folder naming it with your website reference.

cp -a ./compose/example-se ./compose/mywebsite.tld

Then, use docker-compose up -d --force-recreate to create in background all your websites containers.

We need to use the same network with docker-compose to be able to discover your containers from other global containers, such as the front-proxy and your daily backups. See https://docs.docker.com/compose/networking/#configure-the-default-network for further details. Here is the additional lines to append to your custom docker-compose applications:

    external: true

Then add the frontproxynet to your backends container that you want to expose to your front-proxy (traefik or nginx-proxy)

    image: nginx:latest
      - default
      - frontproxynet
    image: mariadb:latest
      - default

Using Traefik as main front-end


If install.sh script did not setup traefik conf automatically, do:

cp ./compose/traefik/traefik.sample.toml ./compose/traefik/traefik.toml;
touch ./compose/traefik/acme.json;
chmod 0600 ./compose/traefik/acme.json;

Then you can start traefik service with docker-compose

cd ./compose/traefik;
docker-compose pull && docker-compose up -d --force-recreate;

Traefik dashboard will be available on 8080 port without password. We strongly encourage you to copy default traefik compose folder in order to customize your dashboard options and add a htpasswd to dashboard.

Back-up containers

In order to backup your containers to your FTP. Duplicate ./scripts/bck-mysite.sh.sample file without .sample suffix for each of your websites and ./scripts/ftp-credentials.sh.sample once.

Fill all variables in the scripts/ftp-credentials.sh. Make sure you are using a volume to hold your site contents. For example, for mysite Roadiz container, all data must be stored in mysite_DATA volume.

If you’re using docker-compose, check your volume name with docker volume list. If not, check your database link name: --link ${NAME}_DB_1:mariadb and remove the _1 (added for docker-compose websites).

Then add execution flag to your backup script: chmod u+x ./scripts/bck-mysite.sh.

# Crontab
# m h  dom mon dow   command
00 0 * * * /bin/bash ~/docker-server-env/scripts/bck-mysite.sh >> ~/docker-server-env/bckup_logs/bck-mysite.log
20 0 * * * /bin/bash ~/docker-server-env/scripts/bck-mysecondsite.sh >> ~/docker-server-env/bckup_logs/bck-mysecondsite.log

# If your system seems to be short in RAM because of linux file cache.
# Claim cached memory
# 00 7 * * * sync && echo 3 | tee /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches
# etc

Clean-up FTP backups

Using ftp-cleanup docker image

This method uses a dedicated docker image to remove old backup files based on their creation date. It won't delete any files if you only have 2 backup listed in your FTP_PATH directory. Use this method if you can’t use sshftpfs of if you want to handle each website backup separately with more control.

Duplicate ./scripts/cleanup-bck-mysite.sh.sample file without .sample suffix for each of your websites.

Make sure to fill your FTP_PATH correctly, if not, it could delete every files in your FTP account.

# Crontab
# m h  dom mon dow   command
00 0 * * * /bin/bash ~/docker-server-env/scripts/cleanup-bck-mysite.sh >> ~/docker-server-env/bckup_logs/bck-mysite.log

Using sshftpfs

cleanup-bck.log will automatically mount your FTP into /mnt/ftpbackup to find backups older than 15 days and delete them. This script will perform deletions in /mnt/ftpbackup/docker-bck folder. If you want to backup permanently some files create another folder in your FTP.

# Crontab
# m h  dom mon dow   command
00 12 * * * /bin/bash ~/docker-server-env/scripts/cleanup-bck.sh >> ~/docker-server-env/bckup_logs/cleanup-bck.log

Rotating logs

Add the etc/logrotate.d/dockerbck configuration to your real logrotate.d system folder.

Using custom Docker images for Roadiz

Example files can be found in ./compose/example-roadiz-registry/ and ./scripts/bck-example-roadiz-registry.sh.sample if you are building custom Roadiz images with direct volumes for your websites and private registry such as Gitlab one.

[deprecated] Naming conventions and containers creation without docker-compose

For any Roadiz website, you should have:

  • One data container: mysite_DATA using docker volume command
docker volume create --name mysite_DATA;
  • One database data container: mysite_DBDATA using docker volume command
docker volume create --name mysite_DBDATA;
  • One database process container: mysite_DB using maxexcloo/mariadb image
docker run -d --name="mysite_DB" -v mysite_DBDATA:/data -e "MARIADB_USER=mysite" -e "MARIADB_PASS=password" --restart="always" ambroisemaupate/mariadb;
  • One SSH process container: mysite_SSH using ambroisemaupate/light-ssh image. You’ll have to link your MariaDB container if you want to dump your database with mysqldump.
docker run -d --name="mysite_SSH" -e PASS=xxxxxxxx -v mysite_DATA:/data --link="mysite_DB:mariadb" -p 22 ambroisemaupate/light-ssh;
  • One Roadiz process container: mysite using ambroisemaupate/roadiz or roadiz/standard-edition image — see create-roadiz.sh.sample script