Operations on non-necessarily closed, non-necessarily convex polyhedra: (relatively) simple layer on the Parma Polyhedra Library (PPL), with some hopefully useful additions.
All operations use the Pointset_Powerset NNC_Polyhedron
data structure from PPL
Some of the operations allowed by PolyOp:
- intersection
- union
- difference
- negation
- satisfiability
- time elapsing
- time backward-elapsing ("past")
- variable elimination (by existential quantification)
- Boolean tests (inclusion, equality…)
- updates of variable (i.e. replacing their value with a linear combination of variables)
: exhibition of a concrete point in the polyhedronzonepred
: computation of the predecessors of a subset of a zone within a source zone (given the set of variables subject to time-elapsing (typically clocks), and the set of variables reset between the two zones); this function is typically useful to reason about parametric zones in parametric timed automata or parametric time Petri nets [not sure this function corresponds to an actual problem in PTAs / PTPNs]zonepredgu
: GivenZn-1
such thatZn
is the successor zone ofZn-1
by guardg-1
and updating variables inUn-1
to some values, givenZn+1
a set of concrete points (valuations) successor of zoneZn
by elapsing of a set of variablest
, by guardgn
, updatesRn
, thenzonepredgr(Zn-1, gn-1, Un-1, Zn, t, gn, Un, Zn+1)
computes the subset of points inZn
that are predecessors ofZn
(by updates ofUn
, guardgn
, elapsing oft
), and that are direct successors (without time elapsing) ofZn-1
. This function can typically used when running a backward analysis in a zone graph of a PTA / PTPN.
From version 1.0, several operations can be performed sequentially using the same call to PolyOp
Basic call syntax:
polyop examples/example.polyop
See examples of the input syntax in examples/example.polyop
(Some more examples in tests/testcases/
For any information, please feel free to contact me: