Todo list REST API designed for real-time collaboration and offline/disconnected clients using DDD/CQRS/Event Sourcing concepts
Name | Url |
Production | |
Swagger | |
Postman Todo API Collection file | |
Postman Todo Data Setup Collection file | |
Postman Production Environment file | |
- Real Time Collaboration
- Offline/Disconnected Client 📱
- Update Conflict and Merging
- Event Sourcing
- CQRS (Separate Read/Write Models and Database)
- Todo Domain Model
- Name
- Description
- Due Date
- Completion Status
- REST APIs (See Swagger documentation for more details)
Function | API | Remarks |
Get Todo | GET /Todo/{id} |
Get Todo List with Filter/Sort | GET /Todo?isCompleted=true&dueDateIsAfter=2022-11-01&dueDateIsBefore=2022-11-10&sortByField=dueDate&sortByAsc=true |
Get Todo History | GET /Todo/{id}/history |
To support merge and conflict on client |
Create Empty Todo | POST /Todo/create |
Insert Text into Todo Name | POST /Todo/{id}/name/inserttext |
Insert piece of text to any character position in the Todo's name |
Delete Text from Todo Name | POST /Todo/{id}/name/deletetext |
Delete piece of text of a certain length from a character position in the Todo's name |
Insert Text into Todo Description | POST /Todo/{id}/description/inserttext |
Insert piece of text to any character position in the Todo's description |
Delete Text from Todo Description | POST /Todo/{id}/description/deletetext |
Delete piece of text of a certain length from a character position in the Todo's description |
Update Due Date | PUT /Todo/{id}/duedate |
Update Completion Status | PUT /Todo/{id}/completed |
- Docker
- Github action for CI/CD
- Deploys to Azure App Service when new commit is pushed to master
- Hosted on Azure App Service (free tier, so it might be a bit slow 😂)
- NUnit Integration Tests
- Swagger
- Automapper
- Dapper Micro ORM
- Embedded/In-memory EventStoreDB (Write DB)
- Event Pub/Sub via EventStoreDB
- Subscription Handler Implemented as a
- Subscription Handler Implemented as a
- Embedded/In-memory Sqlite (Read DB)
- Postman Collections:
- Sample Data Setup
- Dependency Injection
- Middleware Error Handler
- Swagger detailed documentation
- Authentication/Authorization
- SignalR/WebSocket endpoint for pub/sub with client
- Automation testing with Github Action
- Support for Todo attributes
- Load all three postman files (see link above)
- Run the entire
Todo Data Setup
collection to setup some initial data - Run any API in
Todo API
collection to test
Variable | Remarks | When is it updated |
Host | Url of the host. This is by default the production URL | Never |
Id | This is used in many GET/POST/PUT APIs | Whenever Create a Todo is executed, this becomes the new Todo's Id |
ExpectedVersion | This is used by all POST/PUT APIs to support merge/conflict resolution | After any successful (OK 200) POST/PUT call, this is incremented by one |
- .NET 6 SDK
- Visual Studio 2022
- Docker Desktop 4.13
- Open solution from Visual Studio
- Click
menu and clickSleekFlow.Todo.Application Debug Properties
- Click
and underEnvironment variables
add the following content:
- Open solution with Visual Studio
- Hit F5
- Swagger will show up
Before user can do anything, an empty Todo has to be created via the API. Internally, API will persist this and return id
, and version
to user. These are important to user for any future action.
participant User Alice
participant Todo API
User Alice ->> Todo API: Create Todo
Note right of Todo API: <br>id: 1<br>version: 0<br>name: null<br>desc: null<br>due: null<br>completed:false
Todo API ->> User Alice: OK (id: 1, version:0)
With the id
, and version
, user can update the name by calling the Insert Text To Name
API where the text to insert and where to insert. In this case since the todo is empty, position = 0
is used (i.e. start of name)
is incremented for each successful update to the Todo.
participant User Alice
participant Todo API
User Alice ->> Todo API: Create Todo
Note right of Todo API: <br>id: 1<br>version: 0<br>name: null<br>desc: null<br>due: null<br>completed:false
Todo API ->> User Alice: OK (id: 1, version:0)
User Alice ->> Todo API: InsertTextToName<br>(id: 1, version: 0, text: "Hello!", position: 0)
Note right of Todo API: <br>id: 1<br>version: 1<br>name: Hello!<br>desc: null<br>due: null<br>completed:false
Todo API ->> User Alice: OK (id: 1, version:1)
To update the name, Alice has to call Insert Text To Name
API again and insert the new piece of text into the existing Name. In this case, we want to insert World
into Hello!
to form Hello World!
participant User Alice
participant Todo API
User Alice ->> Todo API: Create Todo
Note right of Todo API: <br>id: 1<br>version: 0<br>name: null<br>desc: null<br>due: null<br>completed:false
Todo API ->> User Alice: OK (id: 1, version:0)
User Alice ->> Todo API: InsertTextToName<br>(id: 1, version: 0, text: "Hello!", position: 0)
Note right of Todo API: <br>id: 1<br>version: 1<br>name: Hello!<br>desc: null<br>due: null<br>completed:false
Todo API ->> User Alice: OK (id: 1, version:1)
User Alice ->> Todo API: InsertTextToName<br>(id: 1, version: 1, text: " World", position: 5)
Note right of Todo API: <br>id: 1<br>version: 2<br>name: Hello World!<br>desc: null<br>due: null<br>completed:false
Todo API ->> User Alice: OK (id: 1, version:2)
Let's say at this time another user, Bob, enters the same Todo editing session as Alice. He first gets the latest version of it.
participant User Alice
participant Todo API
participant User Bob
User Alice ->> Todo API: InsertTextToName<br>(id: 1, version: 1, text: " World", position: 5)
Note right of Todo API: <br>id: 1<br>version: 2<br>name: Hello World!<br>desc: null<br>due: null<br>completed:false
Todo API ->> User Alice: OK (id: 1, version:2)
User Bob ->> Todo API: Get Todo<br>(id: 1)
Todo API ->> User Bob: Return Todo (id: 1, version:2,<br>name: Hello World!, desc: null<br>due: null, completed: false)
If both Alice and Bob updates the name at the same time, only one will win the race condition. The other will receive a Version Mismatch
participant User Alice
participant Todo API
participant User Bob
User Alice ->> Todo API: InsertTextToName<br>(id: 1, version: 1, text: " World", position: 5)
Note right of Todo API: <br>id: 1<br>version: 2<br>name: Hello World!<br>desc: null<br>due: null<br>completed:false
Todo API ->> User Alice: OK (id: 1, version:2)
User Bob ->> Todo API: Get Todo<br>(id: 1)
Todo API ->> User Bob: Return Todo (id: 1, version:2,<br>name: Hello World!, desc: null<br>due: null, completed: false)
User Alice ->> Todo API: InsertTextToName<br>(id: 1, version: 2, text: "Alice", position: 11)
User Bob ->> Todo API: InsertTextToName<br>(id: 1, version: 2, text: "Bob", position: 11)
Note right of Todo API: <br>id: 1<br>version: 3<br>name: Hello World Alice!<br>desc: null<br>due: null<br>completed:false
Todo API ->> User Alice: OK (id: 1, version:3)
Todo API ->> User Bob: BAD REQUEST (errorType: Version Mismatch)
ℹ NOTE: API returns this error because by the time Bob's request tries to write to the database, the version in storage is already at version 3. Bob's request expects version is at 2 and so the
Version Mismatch
error is returned.
Bob's client has a few ways to handle this error. One way is to get the latest updates from the API and merge or resolve the conflict on the client and re-call the Insert Text To Name
participant User Alice
participant Todo API
participant User Bob
User Alice ->> Todo API: InsertTextToName<br>(id: 1, version: 2, text: "Alice", position: 11)
User Bob ->> Todo API: InsertTextToName<br>(id: 1, version: 2, text: "Bob", position: 11)
Note right of Todo API: <br>id: 1<br>version: 3<br>name: Hello World Alice!<br>desc: null<br>due: null<br>completed:false
Todo API ->> User Alice: OK (id: 1, version:3)
Todo API ->> User Bob: BAD REQUEST (errorType: Version Mismatch)
User Bob ->> Todo API: Get History<br>(id: 1, version: 2)
Todo API ->> User Bob: Returns NameTextInsertedEvent<br>(eventNumber: 3, text: Alice, position: 11)
User Bob ->> User Bob: Manually<br>Merge/Resolve Conflict
User Bob ->> Todo API: InsertTextToName<br>(id: 1, version: 2, text: "and Bob", position: 17)
Note right of Todo API: <br>id: 1<br>version: 4<br>name: Hello World Alice and Bob!<br>desc: null<br>due: null<br>completed:false
ℹ NOTE: A way for your client to merge/resolve the conflict is automatically merge the inserted text from other users onto your local version. This is similar to how git merges.
A less complicated way is to just refresh and discard changes you made and get the latest from the API again. The UX for this is less desirable though.
ℹ NOTE: To reduce the chance of conflict, it'll be great if the client can automatically pull the latest events from the API asap. One of the best ways will be to implement a Web Socket client to listen to Todo events published from the API. Another way is for the client to poll the API at a regular interval.
The web socket way probably gives better UX but may be little more complicated and costly to write.
Due to inconsistent WIFI and network availability, devices like mobile phones/IoT devices can sometimes be disconnected or be offline. Using merge/conflict resolution strategies above can allow a offline client to make changes locally on their own device and ignore any potential conflicts.
Once the device reconnects, new events can be merged to the client and the sent to the API for a big update. An event sourced based architecture can help implement such feature.
graph LR
subgraph System
subgraph Write Side
ES[(In Memory<br>EventStoreDB)]
subgraph Read Side
SQL[(In Memory<br>SQLite)]
Client <--> API
API -- writes --> ES
ES -- reads --> API
SQL -- reads --> API
ES -.listens.-> SUB
SUB -- writes --> SQL
Component | Remarks |
Web API | Handles web requests performs domain validation, writes to EventStoreDB and reads from SQLite |
EventStoreDB | Event sourcing DB used as the write DB for all events |
EventSubscriber | Listens to EventStoreDB and projects events to a SQL table in SQLite for reading |
SQLite | Stores projections for read purpoe from events that can be filtered/sorted |
Handles web requests from client, performs domain logic validation and saves event to EventStoreDB.
graph LR
subgraph Web API
subgraph App Layer
subgraph Domain Layer
TodoAggregate[TodoAggregate<br>Write Model]
TodoProjection[TodoProjection<br>Read Model]
subgraph Infrastructure Layer
ES[(In Memory<br>EventStoreDB)]
SQL[(In Memory<br>SQLite)]
Client <--> TodoController
TodoController <--> TodoService
TodoService <----> TodoAggregate
TodoAggregate -- Raise Event --> TodoAggregate
TodoService <-- Load/Save Aggregate --> TodoRepository
TodoRepository <-- Get/Save Events --> ES
SQL -- Get Projection--> TodoProjectionRepository
TodoProjectionRepository -- Get Projection --> TodoProjectionService
TodoProjectionService <--> TodoProjection
TodoProjectionService <--> TodoController
Component | Remarks |
TodoController | Handles web requests and model translation between domain and application layer |
TodoService | Coordinates write-side functions between application and infrastructure layer. May handle domain logic that doesn't require transactional consistency. |
TodoAggregate | Handles all domain logic and validation that requires transactional consistency. Events are raised here. |
TodoRepository | Writes events to EventStoreDB |
TodoProjectionService | Coordinates read-side functions between application and infrastructure layer. |
TodoProjection | Read model that contains all properties in Todo required for viewing for user |
TodoProjectionRepository | Reads projections from SQLite DB |
graph LR
subgraph Web API
subgraph App Layer
subgraph Domain Layer
subgraph Infrastructure Layer
ES[(In Memory<br>EventStoreDB)]
SQL[(In Memory<br>SQLite)]
Client -- 1. Call PUT/POST API --> TodoController
TodoController -- 1. Create/Update Todo --> TodoService
TodoService -- 2. Execute Command --> TodoAggregate
TodoAggregate -- 3. Raise Event --> TodoAggregate
TodoAggregate -- 4. Return itself --> TodoService
TodoService -- 5. Save Aggregate --> TodoRepository
TodoRepository -- 6. Save New Events --> ES
ES -- 7. Return new version number --> TodoRepository
TodoController -- 8. Return new version number --> Client
TodoProjectionRepository <--> SQL
graph LR
subgraph Web API
subgraph App Layer
subgraph Domain Layer
subgraph Infrastructure Layer
ES[(In Memory<br>EventStoreDB)]
SQL[(In Memory<br>SQLite)]
Client -- 1. Call Get API --> TodoController
TodoController -- 2. Get Todo Projection --> TodoProjectionService
TodoProjectionService -- 3. Get Todo Projection --> TodoProjectionRepository
SQL -- 4. Read/Filter/Sort<br>Todo Projection --> TodoProjectionRepository
TodoProjectionRepository -- 5. Load Projection Model --> TodoProjection
TodoProjection -- 6. Return projection --> TodoProjectionService
TodoProjectionService -- 7. Return projection --> TodoController
TodoController -- 8. Return Todo Projection --> Client
EventStoreDB has multiple event streams, one for each unique Todo. Within each stream contains all events recorded for each todo ordered by event number.
graph LR
subgraph EventStoreDB
subgraph Stream Todo Id:1
e2[TodoNameTextInserted<br>text:'Implement application layer' position:0]
subgraph Stream Todo Id:2
e4[TodoNameTextInserted<br>text:'Implement unit tests' position:0]
subgraph Stream Todo Id:3
The following events are supported:
Event Type | Properties |
TodoCreated | n/a |
TodoNameTextInserted | string Text, int Position |
TodoNameTextDeleted | int Position, int Length |
TodoDescriptionTextInserted | string Text, int Position |
TodoDescriptionTextDeleted | int Position, int Length |
TodoDueDateUpdated | DateTime DueDate |
TodoCompletedMarked | n/a |
TodoCompletedUnmarked | n/a |
graph LR
subgraph EventSubscriber
subgraph App Layer
subgraph Domain Layer
subgraph Infrastructure Layer
ES[(In Memory<br>EventStoreDB)]
SQL[(In Memory<br>SQLite)]
ES -- publishes events--> TodoProjectionEventHandler
TodoProjectionEventHandler --> TodoProjectionRepository
ES -- Get latest --> TodoProjectionRepository
TodoProjectionRepository <--> TodoProjection
TodoProjectionRepository -- writes --> SQL
Component | Remarks |
TodoProjectionEventHandler | Listens for events published from EventStoreDB and coordinates with repository to save it as projection |
TodoProjectionRepository | Loads projection from latest events and saves it into SQLite |
TodoProjection | Read model that represents a Todo |
graph LR
subgraph EventSubscriber
subgraph App Layer
subgraph Domain Layer
subgraph Infrastructure Layer
ES[(In Memory<br>EventStoreDB)]
SQL[(In Memory<br>SQLite)]
ES -- 1. Publishes events--> TodoProjectionEventHandler
TodoProjectionEventHandler -- 2. Instruct to construct and save projection--> TodoProjectionRepository
ES -- 3. Get all events from stream --> TodoProjectionRepository
TodoProjectionRepository <-- 4. Load projection from events --> TodoProjection
TodoProjectionRepository -- 5. Save projection to DB --> SQL
ℹ NOTE: Since events can go missing and arrival order is not guaranteed,
always reads ALL events from EventStoreDB before constructing projection. This is a simple trick to make sure we don't have to think to much about missing messages or message ordering.
manages the state and enforces domain validation logic. In short, any change can be made while the Todo is incomplete
. But when it's complete
nothing can be changed unless it is marked as incomplete
again. See below:
[*] --> Incomplete : TodoCreated
Incomplete --> Incomplete : TodoNameTextInserted<br>TodoNameTextDeleted<br>TodoDescriptionTextInserted<br>TodoDescriptionTextDeleted<br>TodoDueDateUpdated
Incomplete --> Completed : TodoCompleteMarked
Completed --> Incomplete : TodoCompleteUnmarked
Github action workflow:
graph LR
Local[Local Machine]
GA[Github Action]
AppService[Azure App Service]
Local -- 1. git commit/push<br>to master --> Github
Github -- 2. listens for<br>commits to master --> GA
GA -- 3. pull latest from master --> GA
GA -- 4. docker build --> GA
GA -- 5. upload image --> GCR
GA -- 6. request Azure App Service to deploy --> AppService
GCR -- 7. pull image --> AppService
AppService -- 8. run image --> AppService