YUI2 Scrolling DataTable Footer extension

An extension to Scrolling DataTable under YUI 2 is presented that creates a footer at the bottom 
of a DataTable.  The extension can be used with either a non-scrolling DT or with the Scrolling DT.
The footer for a SDT can be either (a) fixed, wherein it remains visible at the bottom of the SDT as 
the rows are scrolled with vertical scrollbars or (b) floating, wherein the footer scrolls with the SDT.

A working example is available here :  http://www.blunderalong.com/pub/dt_scroll_foot.html

A description of this extension is posted on YUILibrary as : http://yuilibrary.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=90&t=7773

Additional examples will be posted here under "Examples" as time / interest requires!

The main features of this extension are;
 1. Footer is highly configurable via DT's configuration object, no Column parameters required.
 2. The heading feature allows a TH to be defined that span several columns ... typical for summary tables
 3. Column keys can be defined flexibly including classes and formatters used in basis data.
 4. Pre-defined calculations include {SUM},{AVG},{MEAN},{MAX},{MIN},{ROW_COUNT}
 5. A user-defined function can be provided to accomplish the calculations for a TD in footer also
 6. Footer is rendered by default in same style as "Header", provides consistency
 7. The footer totals are refreshed automatically after each SDT "renderEvent" which occurs after 
     cell-editing, pagination, record insertion or deletion.
 8. The footer cells re-size according to "Heading" column resizing.

This extension has a relatively small footprint, approx 31.5Kb in size, of course after loading DT and SDT !

YUI contributor Matt Parker developed a "Table footer statistics for YUI 2 DataTable" extension that was 
documented in his YUIBlog article of January 13, 2011 (see http://www.yuiblog.com/blog/2011/01/13/table-footer-statistics-for-yui-2-datatable/).  
Parker's extension supports a number of mathematical functions but was limited to only working on DataTable.  I also found 
in my use of his extension that most of the time I simply needed a column "sum", not standard deviations, etc...

At issue for Scrolling DT is the manner in which the Table is constructed within the DOM.  Specifically, for an SDT the 
THEAD elements are added to a separate DIV / TABLE above and outside of the TBODY DIV.  This is done so that the THEAD element 
will remain stationary as the TBODY and it's rows scroll.  

In order to add a TFOOT to an SDT, the same approach is used; an additional DIV is added to the Table "container element" that 
adds another DIV / TABLE combination after the TBODY containing the data rows.  This enables both the THEAD and TFOOT to remain 
stationary "fixed" relative to the scrolling rows.  

After the SDT is rendered, the "validateColumnWidths" function is called to align the separate TABLES for THEAD / TBODY / TFOOT to 
make them all consistent sizes.  I've found this function to be a time-consuming function (and seems to fail sometimes in IE if 
the column widths are not set in ColumnSet).

If the footer is to be "floating", it is a much simpler task, and a TFOOT is simply appended to the TBODY within the same 
TABLE element.  Column resizing is not an issue in this instance.

The scrolling datatable footer extension is defined as a YUI extension of ScrollingDataTable (SDT). 

The instantiation is called via "new YAHOO.widget.DataTableSF", where this extension is a subclass 
of ScrollingDataTable, which is a subclass of DataTable (DT).  The extension library file sdatatable_foot.js 
must be included to add the functionality.

A datatable without any footer could be created using DataTableSF without a configuration object, but there 
may be a performance penalty because it is loading SDT and all its method and adding new ones.  

This extension has been tested successfully within FireFox 3.5+, Safari, Chrome and IE7/9.  
(IE suffers from performance problems when Column widths are not explicitly set 
 [see http://developer.yahoo.com/yui/datatable/#knownissues] and this extension exhibits the same issues.)

The footer is configured fully by an object named "tfooter" inside the DataTable configuration object when
the table is instantiated.

The tfooter configuration object includes the following members;

   fixed	{Boolean}	Flag indicating whether a "fixed" or "floating" footer is desired.  (Default:true)
   heading	{Object}	Object containing individual members defining the TH element (only one TH allowed)
				The members of this object are;

				colspan:   {Integer}	Number of leftmost columns to "colspan" together to make TH
							(includes hidden columns)
				label:	   {String}	Label text to display in the TH innerHTML
							(allows for {ROW_COUNT} substitution to be added É)
				className: {String}	Additional CSS class name to add to TH (typically for alignment)

   col_keys	{Array of Objects}
				Provide a separate object consisting of the ColumnSet "key" to include for calculations
				in the footer.  Each row in this array is used to populate the TD for this key.
				The members of this object are;
				key:	   {String}	Column key name from DT ColumnSet
				calc:	   {String}	Calculation method to use for this column
							any of; {SUM},{AVG},{MEAN},{MAX},{MIN},{ROW_COUNT}
							( NOTE: to add more functions revise method _recalcFooter ) 	
				func:	   {Function}	A function to use to populate this TD (no arguments)
				className: {String}	Additional CSS class to add to the TD (typically alignment)

				formatter: {String|Function} A formatter to use for this TD calculated result.  
							Can be either a DT standard name (i.e. currency, number) or 
							a custom formatter, as long as it does not operate on oRecord 
							which is unavailable in the footer! 
				exclude:   {Boolean}	Flag to indicate whether to exclude a Column from footer (experimental)

Example Instantiation

// say myCols has 15 columns, including last two columns for edit and delete links we
//   want to exclude from footer.

var myDT = new YAHOO.widget.DataTableSF( 'divTableContainer', myCols, myDS, { 	

     // normal SDT configuration	

	MSG_EMPTY:	"No positions found!",
	MSG_LOADING:	"Loading positions ...",
	scrollable:	true,
	height: 	"23em",
	width:		"88em",
	dateOptions: 	 { format: '%m/%d/%y' },
	numberOptions: 	 { decimalPlaces: 2, thousandsSeparator: "," },

     // footer configuration object ...
	tfooter: {	    fixed:	true,
			    heading:	{ colspan:9, label:"TOTALS ( {ROW_COUNT} positions ) :", className:'align-center' }, 
			    col_keys:	[
					   { key:'s_cbasis', 	calc:'{SUM}' },	
					   { key:'s_mvalue', 	calc:'{SUM}' }, 
					   { key:'gl', 		func: pos_gl_calc, 	formatter:"number" },
					   { key:'glperc', 	func: pos_glperc_calc, 	formatter:"number" },
					   { key:'delete',		exclude:true },
					   { key:'edit',		exclude:true }			
			}  // end of tfooter  

Files in this Git
1.  sdatatable_foot.js	:  Includes the DataTableSF widget extension
2.  dt_scroll_foot.html :  A sample that demonstrates DataTableSF widget (requires CSs and syntax directories)
3.  ba_example.css      :  A CSS file for item no. 2 only! (NOT REQUIRED FOR DataTableSF)
4.  syntax director     :  A syntax highlighting utility from Gorbachev for item 2 only! (NOT REQUIRED for DataTableSF)

Comments / Feedback
Please feel free to contact the developer on the YUILibrary forum under username: stlsmiths or post 
comments here.