
repo to prepare GTFS data for #dataviz in moveVIS

Primary LanguageR


Scripts for playing with moveVis and transport (GTFS) data. Created for data provided by Consorcio de Transportes de Madrid (data can be found here). The repo consist of two parts:

  1. Part I that convert set of required GTFS files into one, which is then used by moveVis package:

  2. Part II is an example how to create a video showing movement of public tranpsort vehicles using `moveVis´ package.

Both functions requires dplyr package, while the second one additionally requires chron package.

Part I {#part_1}

Preparation of GTFS files: collect all required information from existing set of GTFS files and combine them into one csv file. Depending on the character of GTFS data there are two separate funtions:

In both cases the output file contains the following variables:

  • trip_id: individual id of the trip;
  • arrival_time: in the format HH:MM:SS
  • stop_lat and stop_lon: coordinates of stops
  • route_short_name
  • route_color

GTFS that uses exact departure times {#DepartureTimes}

Required functions:


Script uses following files as an input

  • stop_times.txt: departure times
  • stops.txt: location of stops
  • trips.txt: selected trips & connection between calendar, routes and stop_times
  • calendar.txt: trips realized during specified date(s)
  • routes.txt: (short) name of route and its default color
Function syntax:

GTFS_to_moveVis_DepTime <- function(dir_GTFS, startHH = 6, endHH = 8, file_output = "GTFS.csv")

with following parameters:

  • dir_GTFS: directory where the original GTFS files are stored; no default.
  • startHH: hour of the begining of the animation; numeric; default startHH = 6
  • endHH: hour of the end of the animation; numeric; default endHH = 8 ^1^
  • file_output name of the file with the final output. default file_output = "GTFS.csv"

^1^ for computational reasons the time coverage is limited, in the default settings to 2 hours;

Application of the funciton (example of suburban trains and trams in Madrid):

# cercanias (suburban trains):
GTFS_to_moveVis_DepTime(dir_GTFS = "data_GTFS/google_transit_M05", startHH=6, endHH=8, file_output = "data_GTFS/GTFS_M05.csv")

# metro ligero (trams):
GTFS_to_moveVis_DepTime(dir_GTFS = "data_GTFS/google_transit_M10", startHH=6, endHH=8, file_output = "data_GTFS/GTFS_M10.csv")

GTFS that uses frequency {#Frequency}

Comparing to the previous, this function add (multiply) consequtive trips, using minimum frequency for a given route (line). Travel times between the stops are equal to the original one.

Required functions:


Script uses following files as an input

  • stop_times.txt: departure (arrival) times
  • stops.txt: location of stops
  • trips.txt: selected trips & connection between calendar, routes and stop_times
  • calendar.txt: trips realized during specified date(s)
  • routes.txt: (short) name of route and its default color
  • frequencies.txt: (minimum) frequency of a given route (line)
Function syntax:

GTFS_to_moveVis_Freq <- function(dir_GTFS, startHH = 6, endHH = 8, file_output = "GTFS.csv"){

with following parameters:

  • dir_GTFS: directory where the original GTFS files are stored; no default.
  • startHH: hour of the begining of the animation; numeric; default startHH = 6
  • endHH: hour of the end of the animation; numeric; default endHH = 8 ^1^
  • file_output name of the file with the final output. default file_output = "GTFS.csv"

^1^ for computational reasons the time coverage is limited, in the default settings to 2 hours;

Application of the function (example of metro lines in Madrid):

GTFS_to_moveVis_Freq(dir_GTFS = "data_GTFS/google_transit_M04", startHH = 6, endHH = 8, file_output = "data_GTFS/GTFS_M04.csv")

Step 1'

Once separate files for each of the included transport modes are ready, they have to be combined together:

# read file with metro
GTFS <- read.delim(paste("data_GTFS", "GTFS_M04.csv", sep = "/"), sep=",") %>%
      #read file with suburban trains
      bind_rows(read.delim(paste("data_GTFS", "GTFS_M05.csv", sep = "/"), sep=",")) %>%
      # read file with trams
      bind_rows(read.delim(paste("data_GTFS", "GTFS_M10.csv", sep = "/"), sep=","))

# save output:
write.csv(GTFS, paste("data_GTFS", "GTFS.csv", sep = "/"), row.names = F, quote = F)

Part II {#part_2}

Scirpt used to generate an example: suburban trains, metros and trams in Madrid. It is strongly inspired by an example provided by the author of moveVis package (16EAGLE). A reproductible example is available here.


GTFS <- read.csv("data_GTFS/GTFS.csv")
GTFS <- read.csv("data_GTFS/GTFS_M05.csv")

GTFS$arrival_time <- as.POSIXct(strptime(GTFS$arrival_time, "%H:%M:%S", tz = "UTC"))
GTFS$route_color <- paste("#", GTFS$route_color, sep="")

conv_dir <- get_libraries()

out_dir <- paste0(getwd(),"/test")

GTFS_ani <- split(move(GTFS$stop_lon, GTFS$stop_lat, proj=CRS("+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84"),
                       time = GTFS$arrival_time, animal=GTFS$trip_id, data=GTFS))

line_colors <- GTFS %>%
      group_by(trip_id) %>%
      slice(1) %>% pull(route_color) %>%

img_caption <- "Projection: Geographical, WGS84; Sources: GTFS CRTM Madrid 2018; Google Maps"
img_title <- "Metro, trams and suburban trains in Madrid (9-10am, weekday)"

animate_move(GTFS_ani, out_dir, out_name = "test5", conv_dir = conv_dir, 
             tail_elements = 6, tail_size = 2,
             paths_mode = "true_data", frames_nmax = 0,
             img_caption = img_caption, img_title = img_title,
             # img_sub = img_sub,
             log_level = 1, out_format = "mp4",
             map_type = "roadmap",
             paths_col = line_colors)

alt text

Video is available here