
Setup Instructions (tested on any system which support vagrant http://www.vagrantup.com/downloads.html):

  1. copy your id_rsa and id_rsa.pub to puppet/modules/hadoop/files

  2. vagrant up

1.5) vagrant ssh master , vagrant ssh hadoop1 .....

  1. ssh from 10.10.10.* -> 10.10.10.* to make sure there are no prompts when hadoop attempts to ssh for the first time.

  2. become root : sudo su

  3. cd /opt/hadoop-1.2.1/bin && ./hadoop namenode -format

  4. ./start-all.sh

  5. clone the project and go to devtest dir

  6. mvn clean test.

If you run into issues with asm-3.1 jar, download and chepo it in the repo folder removing the previous text file maven thinks is a jar.