
View tag filtered Instagram images in real time.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Build Status Dependencies


View tag filtered instagram images in real time

geoshare is a modern, isomorphic javascript application. The frontend is built with React and alt (a flux implementation). The backend uses Redis for storing relevant instagram data, and socket.io for real-time bidirectional communication with clients. The project uses webpack for bundling modules and webpack-dev-server for hot reloading during development. geoshare is forward thinking, using the ES6 spec where possible.


There is default configuration to simplify development. The config file is located at config/default.json5. For local configuration, create config/local.json5 and that file's configuration will take precedence over config/default.json5. The local file will not be tracked by git.


geoshare has a dev environment and any contributions are welcome! The dev environment uses two webservers, the webpack dev server (hot reloading) and the dev app.

npm run dev-server
npm run dev


Make sure to set all instagram related config options. Read more about this setup here.

npm run build
npm run prod


npm run test
