

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


this is a set of starter examples for linking R-based image processing to keras/tensorflow based deep learning.

currently, the only useful contributions:


to run one of the scripts and generate data, do:

cd iTensorFlow
# open R, then
source( "src/R/buildVaryingHeaderSyntheticData.R" )

this will generate a synthetic dataset of 100 2D images. you can generate 3D example datasets by modifying the script with mydim=3. each image is a noisy sphere with a thin rim of lighter intensity embedded in a background of noise. there are 50 images in each of 2 classes. the 2nd class has a thicker rim.

this synthetic data allows us to test either regression or classification networks. the regression problem has ground truth defined by the files:

# in iTensorFlow root dir
find ./data -name "*sv"
# ./data/dim2D/classification/spheres/spheres2CoM.csv
# ./data/dim2D/classification/varspheres/spheres2Transforms.csv
# ./data/dim3D/classification/spheres/spheres3CoM.csv
# ./data/dim2D/classification/varspheres/spheres3Transforms.csv

the interesting problem is spheres*Transforms.csv which may be used to perform supervised learning of the physical space geometric mapping from the image data to a fixed template coordinate system. ideally, learning the mapping should be independent of the image spacing (sampling rate). Currently, the parameters to learn include non-uniform stretching, rotations and translations.

the classification problem is just based on the thickness of the rim - just a two class problem.

each image is randomly perturbed from the center position which gives some learnable variability in the CoM.

there are also single and multichannel versions of each image. the motivation for including the spatial channels (in the multichannel version) is such that we can pass the critical spatial information along with the raw intensity information.

there are many potential uses for this extra infomation that we can get into later but, for now, it will be useful to demonstrate the learning with either single or multichannel data. in this simple case, performance should be identical.

in the src/keras directory, we have examples of building basic networks and reading images.

there is currently one missing link between the synthetic R-based data and the keras code: we need to be able to read nifti images (via nibabel) into a keras ready data structure.

some notes on conv nets, mostly with keras

keras 3d conv code but i think this should work with tensorflow backend now

3d cnn action example

shapes 3d here

​copied to​ here

​maybe this would be a good one to try to reproduce:​

C3D model used with a fork of Caffe to the Sports1M dataset migrated to Keras

C3D model used with a fork of Caffe to the Sports1M dataset migrated to Keras gist

a u-net

kaggle tutorial for dicom heart data

auto encoder for image segmentation

brain lesion segmentation

deep medic

a decent example from data creation to generalizable output

** very critical in below examples is to have correct alphanumeric ordering of the written filenames **

prepare data from R

Rscript src/R/buildConstantHeaderSyntheticDataNumpy.R

pickle data in python. one passes the image directory and csv for the train data and the script will replace train with test in the directory and file name and generate pickles for both train and test datasets.

# this function assumes input data is square and dimensions can be inferred
# from the sqrt of the array length (for 2D)
python src/r2python/pickleNpyData.py  -d 2 \
  -i data/dim2D/regression/spheresRad/train/singlechannel/ \
  -j Image

run mnist-based convnet

python src/keras/veryBasicKerasImageConvnet.py

a segmentation example from data creation to generalizable output

WIP - not done

prepare data from R

Rscript src/R/buildConstantHeaderSyntheticSegmentationDataNumpy.R $dim

pickle data in python.

python src/r2python/pickleNpyData.py -d $dim \
  -i data/dim${dim}D/segmentation/spheresRad/train/singlechannel/ \
  -j Image

run mnist-based convnet

python src/keras/veryBasicKerasSegmentationConvnet${dim}D.py

multi-channel segmentation example from data creation to generalizable output

WIP - not done

prepare data from R

Rscript src/R/buildConstantHeaderSyntheticMultichannelSegmentationDataNumpy.R $dim

pickle data in python.

python src/r2python/pickleMCNpyData.py -d $dim   \
  -i data/dim${dim}D/segmentation/spheresRad/train/multichannel/  -j Image
# python src/r2python/pickleNpyData.py -d $dim \
#  -i data/dim${dim}D/segmentation/spheresRad/train/multichannel/ -j Seg

run mnist-based convnet

python src/keras/posiSegConvMC.py