I will continue to improve the tetris game I am working on with Golang as time goes.
Golang ile yapmaya çalıştığım tetris oyunu zaman buldukça geliştirmeye devam edeceğim
First gcc install http://www.msys2.org/
pacman -Su
pacman -S gcc cmake
pacman -S base-devel gcc cmake
pacman -S mingw-w64-x86_64-gcc --disable-download-timeout
pacman -S mingw-w64-x86_64-make --disable-download-timeout
pacman -S mingw-w64-x86_64-gdb --disable-download-timeout
MSYS2 ve GCC'yi güncelleme için MSYS2 terminaline ara ara şu kodu girip kontrol edin:
pacman -Syu --disable-download-timeout
make -f Makefile
Video Tutorials https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aeHfqk0cVOE
go get github.com/go-gl/gl/v2.1/gl go get github.com/go-gl/glfw/v3.1/glfw
forked by https://github.com/medvednikov/go-tetris