Package pongo2echo is a template renderer that can be used with the minimalist Go web framework it uses the Pongo2 template library
pongo2 is a Django-syntax like templating-language (official website).
go get ""
Pongo4echo - pongo2 echo framework stability renderer / Compatible with pongo version 4
Requires Echo 4+ or higher and Pongo2.
Real Example [echo+pongo+gorm+pagination]
package main
import (
var (
data = pongo2.Context{}
mainRenderer = pongo2echo.Renderer{Debug: true} // use any renderer
//GetAllData all list
func GetAllData(c echo.Context) error {
posts := []string{
"Larry Ellison",
"Carlos Slim Helu",
"Mark Zuckerberg",
"Amancio Ortega ",
"Jeff Bezos",
" Warren Buffet ",
"Bill Gates",
"selman tunç",
return c.Render(http.StatusOK, "templates/index.html",
pongo2.Context{"title": "hello echo fw", "posts": posts})
func main() {
e := echo.New()
e.Renderer = mainRenderer //pongo2 init
e.Debug = true
// http://localhost:8888/home
e.GET("/home", GetAllData)
// Start server
<h1> {{ title }}</h1>
{% for post in posts%}
{% endfor %}