
Image analysis for target(s) recognition; trajectory calculation for target(s); solution output to Launcher; execute Position, Launch, Reload ect...

Primary LanguageArduino


.zip contains Competition Code and all associated calibration files. Individual uploads are selected files for viewing ease and to show complexity.

Contains C scripts written in: C++ IDE, MatLab, and Arduino.

Competition Summary: Hit all the targets! Using only on image provided, hit all the targets with a ping pong ball projectile. Targets are holes positined randomly on table, targets corrispond to colored designators on image. Jugded on completion time and accuracy.

Analyze an image for desired color signature and locate centroid(s); Generate grid of target area with and target location(s); Send data to arduino for calculaton and back to MatLab and verify solution(s); Initate Lauch sequence: Right/Left positioning via IR strip and sensor; Trajector poisitioning on calibrated Launcher with calibrated handwound solenoid via 180 servo on calibarted handmade 4-bar assemply; Send pulse to solenoid for magnet interaction to impact ping pong ball; Position to Reload position; Reload servo actuation timed for reload via gravity; Begin positioning sequence, launch, and relaod until all targets have been attempted.

Finished in top 20 of +200 teams