Hi everyone, I'm Alexander. I live in Russia and I develop some bots, utils, etc. I love programming and design, also I love to play Genshin Impact, Minecraft & Terraria. I'm interested in space and mathematics. I program in Python, JS, Java, C++, and Kotlin (currently studying), do HTML and CSS markup and sometimes design. I know Russian as native, and learning English I was born on January 20.

Discord Status

Projects and ideas


The following designations may be found in the list of projects and ideas:

  • ✅ - The project is complete and doesn't require updates
  • 📝 - The project is maintained (updated)
  • 📑 - The project is temporarily uncontained
  • ⚒️ - The project is in development
  • ❄️ - The project is frozen
  • 🗒️ - The project is planned
  • 📦 - Project abandoned (in the archive)
Click to see
My projects
  • 📑 tankioapi - A Python written wrapper for the Tanki Online game API
  • ❄️ advTables.js (local repo) - Advanced Tables for websites
  • 🗒️ pydisimg - Python module for fast rank (and not only) cards generation for using in Discord bots
  • ❄️ Epsilon (local repo) - Plugin for Minecraft servers ("Make your server is better!")
  • 📦 JSAndCSSPack - Style and scripts pack
  • 📦 pyplazmix - A python wrapper for PlazmixAPI ([!] Plazmix has closed)
❄️ SyrDB
  • ❄️ SyrDB - Easy-to-use, versatile and friendly database
  • ❄️ BDSFmt - Binary Data Storage Format
  • ❄️ libraries for working with this 2 project in Python, C++ and java
❄️ SyrDB x Blusutils
  • ❄️ SyrBot (private repo) - Discord bot with great functionality
  • ⚒️ Piema (private repo) - A modern, beautiful, and open-source password manager
  • 🗒️ Piema Server - Piema for servers with the ability to control via desktop/mobile version of the project
  • 🗒️ Piema Share - Technology (client & server) to securely share records from Piema between multiple clients
  • 🗒️ Piema Sync - Technology (client & server) to synchronization records from Piema between multiple devices
  • 🗒️ Piema Shield - System of warnings and recommendations for accounts security
  • 🗒️ Piema Pairing - Technology for synchronizing passwords (and other Piema entries) between two or more devices on the same LAN
  • ⚒️ Some specifications of file formats & data types
  • 🗒️ Qxtra - Library with additional functionality for Qt6 (e.g. creating noise or window backdrop blur)

My skills & tools

Tools I use


Platforms on which I create projects (not all!)


Languages I use to write code or markup


Websites and databases that I use


My statistics

Primary statistics
