
Demo of sending Post request and chart.js

Primary LanguageJava


Get Json data by sending HTTP post request, and convert data to line chart with Chart.js.

練習傳送Http Post請求,從網站上取得資料,並將資料用Chart.js畫成line chart.


Create a currency exchange rate graph.

  1. Get exchange rate from a bank website by sending POST request
  2. Convert data to the format that Chart.js required.
  3. Create a line chart with Chart.js.
  4. Update line chart when users change the parameters.

web site: https://www.esunbank.com.tw/bank/personal/deposit/rate/forex/exchange-rate-chart?Currency=USD/TWD


This demo is build with with Maven 3.5.3 and Java 1.8.

How To Start

  1. Import as a maven project.
  2. Run as Spring Boot App.
  3. Open http://localhost:8080/ in the browser.