
React component to embed Datawrapper Charts.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptISC LicenseISC

Datawrapper Charts in React

Datawrapper charts are great and easy to create. Some of their functionality relies on postMessage and the normal embed code uses <script> to catch those messages. In some cases this doesn't play well with React, since React wants to control the DOM.

Here comes <DWChart /> into play. It's a React component that implements the "smarts" of the <script> tag and provides an easy way to embed Datawrapper charts in React applications.

Install it with npm install react-datawrapper-chart.


import DWChart from 'react-datawrapper-chart'

ReactDOM.render(<DWChart title="Chart" src="//datawrapper.dwcdn.net/rjRUb/7/" />, root)


  • title (string | required) - title attribute for the underlying iframe.
  • src (string | required) - src attribute for the underlying iframe. This should be the link from the publish step of a Datawrapper chart.
  • loading (eager|lazy) - iframe loading attribute, which is useful for lazy loading.

Additional props will get passed to the iframe. If a height prop is passed, it will do nothing. The component handles resizing itself. If the height should be fixed, there is no point in using this component and it is recommended to use an iframe directly.
