
This repository contains the matlab scripts used to generate the results presented in Section 4 of the following paper: V. V. Chetlur, H. S. Dhillon, and C. P. Dettmann, "Shortest path distance in Manhattan Poisson line Cox process," 2020, available online:

Run 'sim_thy_shortestpath_typical_intersection.m' to compute the CDF of the shortest path distance from the typical intersection of the MPLP to its nearest point of the MPLCP in the path distance sense. This code plots the CDF obtained using both Monte-Carlo simulations and the analytical expressions given in Theorem 1 in the paper.

Run 'sim_thy_shortestpath_typical_point.m' to compute the CDF of the shortest path distance from the typical point of the MPLCP to its nearest neighbor in the path distance sense. This code plots the CDF obtained using both Monte-Carlo simulations and the analytical expressions given in Theorem 2 in the paper.

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