Perceiver IO Recommender

This repository includes a sample implementation of Perceiver-IO recommender for a news recommendation task on MIND dataset, along with NAML and NRMS baseline implementations.

System Requirements

This code can be run from Docker on Linux environment. We confirmed that it runs under below environment.

  • Linux (Ubuntu 20.04 LTS)
  • Docker: version 20.10.6, build 370c289
  • docker-compose: 1.29.1, build c34c88b2
  • nvidia-container-toolkit: 1.5.1-1 amd64
  • GPU: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2080 Ti

Setting up

1. Clone the repository branch

git clone --recursive

2. Setup environment parameters

Environment parameters need to be written in .env file. You can simply copy it from .env.sample to work with default parameters.

cd perceiver_io_recommender
cp .env.sample .env

These are the necessary parameters written in .env file, you can edit it if necessary.

    • Needed for docker-compose. For details please refer.
  • DEVICE(Default: gpu):
    • Device setting for docker. Parameters can be set to gpu or cpu, but we tested the code only with gpu parameter.
  • DATASET_PATHDefault: $(PWD)/dataset):
    • Host directory for MIND dataset. It is mounted to dataset/ directory from the container.
  • MODEL_PATH(Default: $(PWD)/models):
    • Host directory for pretrained models for GloVe and Transformer. It is mounted to models/ directory from the container.
  • LOG_PATH (Default: $(PWD)/logs):
    • Host directory for training logs. It is mounted to logs/ folder from the container.
    • Host directory for python virtual environment. It is mounted .venv/ folder from the container.
  • JUPYTER_PORT:(Default: 8888
    • The port number binded for the host OS access to the jupyter notebook that is launched in the container.
  • TENSORBOARD_PORT: (Default: 6006
    • The port number binded for the host OS access to the tensorboard that is launched in the container.

3. Setup Docker Environment

make setup

4. Download dataset

Download MIND dataset and put the zip file to a directory which is visible from the container. You can put it to the same folder with README.

5. Enter the container

make sh

News Recommendation with MIND Dataset


Run below command in container to do all necessary preprocessing.

pipenv run preprocess-all data_path.train_zip=<path/to/> data_path.valid_zip=<path/to/>

If you are working with the large dataset, please add this parameter to above command:



Run below command in container for training the perceiver-io model.

pipenv run train

Some of the optional parameters are listed below.

  • model:
    • naml or nrms (default: nrms)
  • embedding_layer:
    • word_embedding or transformer (default: word_embedding)
  • hparams.article_attributes:
    • Can be selected from [title,body,category,subcategory](default: [title,body,category,subcategory])
  • hparams.n_epochs:
    • default: 3
  • hparams.max_title_length:
    • Max. number of tokens from article titles(default: 30)
  • hparams.max_body_length:
    • Max. number of tokens from article bodies(default: 128
  • hparams.batch_size.train:
  • hparams.batch_size.valid:
    • (Default batch sizes are different depending on the selected embedding layer)
  • hparams.accumulate_grad_batches:
    • Training batch size becomes hparams.batch_size.train * hparams.accumulate_grad_batches
  • dataset:
    • If it is set to precomputed, it reads from serialized article text data hence fetching data during training can be speeded up.
  • num_workers:
    • For dataLoader(default: 4

This library uses hydra as config manager and everything in config can be overwritten from the command line.

Product Recommendation with Amazon Dataset


In the paper, we compared results with DIEN, so we are going to convert data from their repository in order to make apple-to-apple comparison.

First, download meta_Books.json from and put it under dataset/amazon/books. Then, download local_train_splitByUser and local_test_splitByUser from DIEN and put it under dataset/amazon/books.

Finally, run below command:

sh src/preprocess/scripts/amazon/


Training can be done in the same way as we do for news recommendation on MIND dataset:

pipenv run python3 -m src.train.main  dataset_name=amazon dataset_type=books hparams.n_negatives=1 model=perceiver_io hparams.word_pos_emb=True hparams.feat_type_emb=True dataset=precomputed hparams.article_attributes=[title,body,category]

Category Recommendation with MIND Dataset

If you already did preprocessing for news recommendation for MIND dataset, there is no extra preprocessing needed. To run training, please run below command:

pipenv run python3 -m src.train.main model=perceiver_io_category_prediction hparams_model=perceiver_io embedding_layer=word_embedding hparams.article_attributes=[title,body] hparams.classify_attr=category dataset=precomputed

Check training results

pipenv run tensorboard

You can browse results from this link localhost:${TENSORBOARD_PORT} in the host.