
Business Days Calculator

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT


Business Days Calculator

Build Status Scrutinizer Quality ScoreCoverage Status Latest Stable Version License


  • If you're using Composer to manage dependencies, you can use
composer require stockx/business-days-calculator

or add to your composer.json file:

"require": {
    "stockx/business-days-calculator": "1.*",

Testing and Releasing a New Version

This process takes a few steps, both in this repository and (typically) in Grails.


NOTE: Actual semver numbers should not be used to in local testing.

  • Create a branch and make your changes here. For example git checkout -b feature-name-dev will match a composer.json requirement value of dev-feature-name in consuming projects.
  • Update the the composer.json in this project changing its version tag updated to match dev-feature-name (note the difference in name from the branch)
  • Push the branch up to GitHub (no need to open a PR yet)
  • Update composer.json in the grails repo to pull this version you're developing. This file is in magento/app/code/local/Grails/composer.json
  • Run Composer locally on Grails. From magento/app/code/local/Grails/ run ./composer.phar update and it should fetch the branch you're working off of as a package.

Releasing an approved and tested version

One you're satisfied with your testing locally here's what you do to get it into prod.

  • Set the version parameter of the composer.json in this project to the next semantic version of the project (we'll use 1.5.2 for our example).
  • Commit this and open a PR.
  • Get the PR approved and merged
  • Pull the master branch locally and add a git tag should be added that prepends a v to that semver number just assigned. git tag v1.5.2.
  • Push tags back up to github git push --tags
  • Head over to grails and create a branch for your changes.
  • Update the grails composer.json to the version you just pushed in magento/app/code/local/Grails/composer.json
  • Push the branch and open a PR
  • After approvals, merge the PR and follow the grails deployment process here: https://stockx-services.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/~admin/pages/31293441/Grails+Branching+and+Deployment+Process

Note: ONLY Grails web boxes will consume the new version of this package upon deployment as composer update is run as part of the bin/dep deploy process. It still needs to be implemented for the deployscript support box deploy script to run composer, so for now that will need to be done manually, SSHing into the boxes.


use \BusinessDays\Calculator;

$holidays = [
    new \DateTime('2000-12-31'),
    new \DateTime('2001-01-01')

$freeDays = [
    new \DateTime('2000-12-28')

$freeWeekDays = [

$calculator = new Calculator();
$calculator->setStartDate(new \DateTime('2000-12-27'));
$calculator->setFreeWeekDays($freeWeekDays); // repeat every week
$calculator->setHolidays($holidays);         // repeat every year
$calculator->setFreeDays($freeDays);         // don't repeat

$calculator->addBusinessDays(3);             // add X working days

$result = $calculator->getDate();            // \DateTime
echo $result->format('Y-m-d');               // 2001-01-03