
Lisp-Style conditional rendering in react.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Usage | Examples | License

logo by Justin Mezzell

Lisp-Style conditional rendering in react.

Travis Coveralls David npm

Make conditional rendering in react simple and expressive. react-cond is implemented as a component, which takes n clauses as its children. Each clause is an array with a condition and a component. The first child-component, where the condition evaluates to true gets rendered in a Cond component. React-cond is designed to work great with FP-libraries like Ramda.

import { Cond, between, eq, T, Clause, Default } from 'react-cond';

<Cond value={angerLevel}>
	{[ eq(0), <span>sleepy</span> ]}
	{[ between(0, 20), <span>calm</span> ]}
	{[ between(20, 40), <span>angry</span> ]}
	{[ between(40, 41), <span>raging</span> ]}
	{[ T, <span>unknown anger level</span> ]}

// or as components

<Cond value={angerLevel}>
	<Clause test={eq(0)}><span>sleepy</span></Clause>
	<Clause test={between(0, 20)}><span>calm</span></Clause>
	<Clause test={between(20, 40)}><span>angry</span></Clause>
	<Clause test={between(40, 41)}><span>raging</span></Clause>
	<Default><span>unknown anger level</span></Default>


Installation | Importing | The Component `Cond` | Clauses | Helper Functions


$ npm install --save react-cond


React-cond exports the component Cond and a function T.

import { Cond, T } from 'react-cond';
// or the old way
var reactCond = require('react-cond');
var Cond = reactCond.Cond;
var T = reactCond.T;

The Component Cond

Cond is a react component, which controls rendering of its child components.

<Cond value={nr}>
  {[ T, <p key="always-true">always rendered</p> ]}

Cond has two props: value and compare.

value is the value which gets passed to each clause. compare is the default compare function for each clause.


The Cond component wraps n clauses. A clause has either the following format: {[ condition, <Component /> ]} f.e. {[ x=> x > 0, <Positive /> ]} or is a Clause/Default component.

import { Cond, T } from 'react-cond';
// ...

<Cond value={nr}>
  {[ x => x > 0, <Positive /> ]}
  {[ x => x < 0, <Negative /> ]}
  {[ T, <Zero /> ]} // `T` always evaluates to true. see Helper Functions.

// or with Clause/Default
import { Cond, Clause, Default } from 'react-cond';
// ...

<Cond value={nr}>
  <Clause test={x => x > 0}><Positive /></Clause>
  <Clause test={x => x < 0}><Negative /></Clause>
  <Default><Zero /></Default>

Helper Functions

T | eq | isTrue | isFalse | isUndefined | isNull | not | gt | lt | gte | lte | between | and | or | value

The following helper functions are optional, but allow you to write even more expressive conditions for your clauses.



Can be used as an otherwise or else clause. It always evaluates to true.

import { Cond, T } from 'react-cond';
// or youe can import T as otherwise.
import { Cond, T as otherwise } from 'react-cond';

<Cond value={'_test_'}>
  {/* ... your clauses ... */}
  {[ T, <h1>otherwise</h1>]}


eq([property:String], value:Any)

Condition to test if the value is equal (===) to a given value.

import { Cond, eq } from 'react-cond';

<Cond value={this.state.nr}>
  {[ eq(42), <h1>nr is 42</h1>]}



Condition to test if the value is true.

import { Cond, isTrue } from 'react-cond';

<Cond value={true}>
  {[ isTrue, <h1>true</h1>]}



Condition to test if the value is false.

import { Cond, isFalse } from 'react-cond';

<Cond value={false}>
  {[ isFalse, <h1>false</h1>]}



Condition to test if the value is undefined.

import { Cond, isUndefined } from 'react-cond';

<Cond value={undefined}>
  {[ isUndefined, <h1>undefined</h1>]}



Condition to test if the value is null.

import { Cond, isNull } from 'react-cond';

<Cond value={null}>
  {[ isNull, <h1>null</h1>]}



Inverts a condition. Can be used to test if a value is not equal (!==) to a given value.

import { Cond, eq, not } from 'react-cond';

<Cond value={this.state.nr}>
  {[ not(eq(42)), <h1>nr isn't 42</h1>]}


gt([property:String], value:Any)

Condition to test if the value is greater than (>) a given value.

import { Cond, gt } from 'react-cond';

<Cond value={this.state.nr}>
  {[ gt(42), <h1>nr greater than 42</h1>]}


lt([property:String], value:Any)

Condition to test if the value is lower than (<) a given value.

import { Cond, lt } from 'react-cond';

<Cond value={this.state.nr}>
  {[ lt(42), <h1>nr lower than 42</h1>]}


gte([property:String], value:Any)

Condition to test if the value is greater or equal than (>=) a given value.

import { Cond, gte } from 'react-cond';

<Cond value={this.state.nr}>
  {[ gte(42), <h1>nr greater or equal than 42</h1>]}


lte([property:String], value:Any)

Condition to test if the value is lower or equal than (<=) a given value.

import { Cond, lte } from 'react-cond';

<Cond value={this.state.nr}>
  {[ lte(42), <h1>nr lower or equal than 42</h1>]}


between([property:String], start:Any, end:Any)

Condition to test if the value is between two given values.

import { Cond, between } from 'react-cond';

<Cond value={this.state.nr}>
  {[ between(1, 10), <h1>nr between 1 and 10</h1>]}


and(condition:Function, condition:Function)

Combine two conditions with a logical and (&&).

import { Cond, and, eq } from 'react-cond';

const startsWith = x => str => str.startsWith(x);
const endsWith = x => str => str.endsWith(x);

<Cond value={str}>
  {[ and(startsWith('-'), endsWith('-')), <h1>string starts and ends with a dash</h1>]}


or(condition:Function, condition:Function)

Combine two conditions with a logical or (||).

import { Cond, or, eq } from 'react-cond';

const startsWith = x => str => str.startsWith(x);
const endsWith = x => str => str.endsWith(x);

<Cond value={str}>
  {[ or(startsWith('-'), endsWith('-')), <h1>string starts or ends with a dash</h1>]}


value(property:String, condition:Function)

If your conditions depend on multiple values you can pass an object to the value prop and use value to access them.

<Cond value={{ val1:12, val2: 13 }}>
	{[ and(value('val1', eq(11)), value('val2', eq(12))), <h1>unexpected</h1>]}
	{[ and(value('val1', eq(12)), value('val2', eq(13))), <h1>expected</h1>]}
	{[ T, <h1>unexpected</h1>]}


Ramda | Multiple Values


react-cond works great with libraries like Ramda.

import R, { __, T } from 'ramda';

const notEquals = R.compose(R.not, R.equals);
const gt11 = R.gt(__, 11);

<Cond value={10}>
  {[ notEquals(10), <h1>not 10</h1>]}
  {[ gt11, <h1>greater than 11</h1>]}
  {[ T, <h1>otherwise</h1>]}

Multiple Values

This example shows how you can make conditions which depend on more than one value.

import { Cond, eq, T as otherwise } from 'react-cond';

const List = React.createClass({
  // ...
  render() {
    const { items } = this.state;

    return (
        <Cond value={this.state}>
          {[ ({ isLoading }) => isLoading, <Spinner /> ]}
          {[ eq('hasErrors', true), <Error /> ]}
          {[ otherwise, items ]}

const ifNoSearchResult = [
  ({ noSearchResult, items }) => noSearchResult || items.length <= 0
  , <NotingFound />


MIT © Christoph Hermann