Supports choice making for a group by allowing all members of a group to specify ratings for all possible choices. The idea is to extend that later by different types of ratings and different algorithms to find the best choices: specify 0-9 or one to five star ratings per item, specify a order of preference between them, ...
You can view it, as far as it's done yet, on .
The HTML and sbt support was done by Stefan Scheidewig, some Javascript Features (Graph, Validation) by Markus Böhme and the Scala code by Hans-Peter Störr .
poll: a number of items (choices) the group has to select from
choice: one possibility to choose
vote: a number of ratings by one group member (user) for all choices
result: presents the best choice(s) for the group.
There is a simple hello world servlet (...helloservlet), some explorations how you might use wicket with scala (...hellowicket) and how you can use the XML mode of Scala instead of using a web framework (...hellodispatcher). You can find these on http:/localhost:9090/test (using the development server) or
In com.tsmms.hackathon.choicesprototype there is very quick a prototype (3 man hours) with some very basic functionality that actually works. Might cause eye cancer and has no documentation - kind of write only code. Based on the idea in ...hellodispatcher.
com.tsmms.hackathon.choices contains the full version with basic functionality, but which is quite incomplete yet. There is no functionality to change the questionnaires and votes, no descriptions and the web pages are not quite complete. Still, it is somewhat usable.
Caution: This was done mostly in the spirit "let's hack around with Scala and Twitter Bootstrap". So this is more or less "write only code", though I maintain to an Scala adept it is still more readable than most Java Code, since it is much more concise and to the point.
URL design
uvw, xyz and lmn are random numbers encoded base64.
- /
- GET : Description . Links to /new
- /new
- GET : Form for creating a new poll
- /a
- PUT : creates poll, redirects to /a/uvw with fresh uvw
- /a/uvw
- GET : displays admin page for a choice, contains link to /c/xyz
- (POST : changes poll, redirects to GET /a/uvw)
- (DELETE : deletes poll, redirects to /)
- /c/xyz
- GET : presents current answers, incl. result ; contains link to /c/xyz/new
- /c/xyz/new
- GET : Form to give votings for the choices
- /c/xyz/result
- GET : presents result
- /c/xyz/v/
- PUT : creates new vote, redirects to /c/xyz/a/lmn with fresh lmn
- /c/xyz/v/lmn
- GET : displays vote
- (POST : changes vote, redirects to GET itself)
- (DELETE : deletes vote, redirects to /c/xyz)
To run locally, build with mvn clean install and start with mvn appengine:devserver . It runs on http://localhost:9090/ . Admin interface: http://localhost:9090/_ah/admin/
Some other stuff: : mvn help:describe -DartifactId=appengine-maven-plugin -Ddetail=true
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