
An open source reference re-implementation of the Diablo 1 game engine (work in progress).

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Preservation project for an all time classic, Diablo 1.

Note, djavul requires an original copy of diablo.exe and diabdat.mpq. None of the Diablo 1 game assets are provided by this project.

Project aim and objectives

The aim of this project is to provide an open source reference re-implementation of the Diablo 1 game engine.

To achieve this aim, the following objectives have been identified.

  1. Develop an understanding of the inner workings of the Diablo 1 game engine (subproject notes).
  2. Convert the original game assets to file formats with open specifications (subproject formats).
  3. Provide a framework of extensive test cases for comparing the re-implementation against the original Diablo 1 game engine.
  4. Split the engine into self-contained modules that may be validated and verified independently.
  5. Implement a set of tools around these modules which through interaction provide the functionality of the original Diablo 1 game engine.
  6. Validate that - given a deterministic seed - the re-implementation achieve pixel perfection, by mirroring the mouse and keyboard input and comparing the graphic and audio output against the original Diablo 1 game.


For an overview of the key idea behind this project, refer to the design documentation.


For installation and run instructions, refer to the respective documentation:



  • Interact with the Diablo 1 game engine from Python script.

Screenshot from 2018-05-12


  • Running the Djavul frontend (djavul-frontend.exe) on a Windows 7 host system (left) and the Djavul backend (djavul.exe) on the same system using a modified version of DiabloPatch (right).

Screenshot from 2018-03-30


  • Running the Djavul frontend (djavul-frontend) on a Linux host system (left) and the Djavul backend (djavul.exe) on a Windows XP VirtualBox guest (right).

Screenshot from 2018-03-25


  • Decode legacy Diablo 1 save files.


  • Play sounds using Beep.

Screenshot from 2017-12-22


  • Forward mouse and keyboard input from Djavul frontend to Diablo 1 game engine (also referred to as the Djavul backend).

Screenshot from 2017-12-21


  • Render control panel.

Screenshot from 2017-12-16


  • Correct rendering of Tristram.

Screenshot from 2017-11-24


  • Mirror output using Pixel.

Screenshot from 2017-11-22


  • Dungeon generation of Cathedral.