- 0
- 2
Touble using ofx4j inside a web app
#74 opened by atilacamurca - 4
- 1
Ampersand in OFX v1 file not supported
#63 opened by nicoepp - 2
Charset problems
#73 opened by patrickdalla - 8
Unable to Compile with ofx4j on Java 17
#71 opened by Jaco-Pretorius - 2
CreditCardAccountDetails#getAccountKey uses incorrect element name "ACCKEY"
#70 opened by octylFractal - 2
Currency should be a @ChildAggregate not an @Element in IncomeTransaction
#68 opened by simeonmalchev - 0
OFX Protocol 2.3 Upgrade
#66 opened by GiridharReddy510 - 1
- 2
- 1
Add support for 401(K) loans
#58 opened by maor11 - 1
- 1
- 2
Handling of BALLIST in INV401KBAL seems wrong
#53 opened by maor11 - 1
BoA does not support your software version
#52 opened by jag2k2 - 2
java.time support?
#50 opened by icecreamhead - 2
- 2
Problem with timeZone. In Brazil when file contains date in this format yyyyMMdd. For example (<DTPOSTED>20190102). That information is parsed for 20190101.
#30 opened by darlanads - 2
How to create a client and server with Authorized grant OAUTH flow for ofx? Please help
#37 opened by Manu355 - 4
BALAMT NumberFormatException
#32 opened by evandrogrm - 3
- 3
Encoding problem
#9 opened by victorcarvalhosp - 0
Tomcat 7 doesn't run with ofx4j
#8 opened by victorcarvalhosp - 0
Learning - could use some guidance
#28 opened by grantnlee - 4
OFXHEADER value not trimmed
#25 opened by bhecht - 3
- 1
Compatibility Problem
#13 opened by AddoSolutions - 3
how to set a custom clientUID?
#17 opened by fleminra - 3
Problem reading ofx file
#15 opened by taihuapp - 0
Error opening zip file
#14 opened by LettyMedeiros - 5
New tags are not available in the library
#11 opened by kasun90 - 1
OFX / Vanguard Issues
#10 opened by qureous - 1
OSGi bundle exports a conflicting package
#6 opened by yrashk - 1
OSGi bundle doesn't export client.impl
#5 opened by yrashk