
A simple project, demonstrating my ability to code SCSS & vanilla javascript

Primary LanguageCSS

the curious circle

An interface for moving around an entity using different commands, either entered via keyboard-input or using the provided buttons.

Available Commands:

  • Position, separated by a space:
    • XX [Number smaller than 50]
    • X [Direction, optional: N (North), E (East), W (West), S (South)]
  • Instruction(s), entered one after another:
    • F [Forward]
    • L [Left]
    • R [Right]

alt tag

alt tag

Technical details: How to use this folder

The source code is built using "middleman" Assuming you have ruby and rubygems installed, to install and use middleman you can type in the following line in the terminal:

gem install middleman

Then, inside this folder run bundle install to get and install the necessary gems used in the project.

Building the final project files

bundle exec middleman build

All your files will be compiled into the build folder.

Using the project folder as a development server

bundle exec middleman server

if encountering problems you can also use:

middleman server -p 4567 -e development

shorter syntax version should work as well:

middleman server

Now you can modify the files in the source directory, they will be automatically compiled and your page should be refreshed for you to see the results.

**~ happy coding ~**