This repository contains Spring Boot project containing simple server
which goal is to provide ships information from static JSON file (located in the resources folder).
- Java 8
- Gradle 4.*
In order to build and run the server one must execute the following command from this directory:
'./gradlew bootRun'
This command will run the server on port 8080 of the local machine.
The default port could be configured from /src/main/resources/ file.
The server exposes REST API with the following endpoints :
- /ships returns all available ships as JSON array
Sample request : http://localhost:8080/ships
- /ships/{id} returns JSON object containing information about
the ship with the specified id or BAD_REQUEST if the id is not valid
Sample request : http://localhost:8080/ships/9
- /ships/owner/{owner name} returns all available ships owned by the specified owner as JSON array
Sample request : http://localhost:8080/ships/owner/Mitsui%20O.S.K.%20Lines