
An opinionated DraftJS plugin for supporting Markdown syntax shortcuts

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


An opinionated DraftJS plugin for supporting Markdown syntax shortcuts in DraftJS. This plugin works with DraftJS Plugins, and is a fork of the excellent draft-js-markdown-shortcuts-plugin and draft-js-markdown-plugin.


View Demo

Why this fork exists?

We needed a support for DraftJS version 0.11. This fork will be active until that support is added to the original plugin or @withspectrum's fork.


  • Add support for DraftJS 0.11 (and break version <= 0.10 support).
  • Update the demo.


npm i --save @zacapa/draft-js-markdown-plugin


import React, { Component } from 'react';
import Editor from 'draft-js-plugins-editor';
import createMarkdownPlugin from '@zacapa/draft-js-markdown-plugin';
import { EditorState } from 'draft-js';

export default class DemoEditor extends Component {

  state = {
    editorState: EditorState.createEmpty(),
    plugins: [createMarkdownPlugin()]

  onChange = (editorState) => {

  render() {
    return (

Add code block syntax highlighting

Using the draft-js-prism-plugin you can easily add syntax highlighting support to your code blocks!

// Install prismjs and draft-js-prism-plugin
import Prism from 'prismjs';
import createPrismPlugin from 'draft-js-prism-plugin';

class Editor extends Component {
  state = {
    plugins: [
      // Add the Prism plugin to the plugins array 
        prism: Prism


The @zacapa/draft-js-markdown-plugin is configurable. Just pass a config object. Here are the available options:


renderLanguageSelect = ({
  // Array of language options
  options: Array<{ label, value }>,
  // Callback to select an option
  onChange: (selectedValue: string) => void,
  // Value of selected option
  selectedValue: string,
  // Label of selected option
  selectedLabel: string
}) => React.Node

Code blocks render a select to switch syntax highlighting - renderLanguageSelect is a render function that lets you override how this is rendered.


import createMarkdownPlugin from '@zacapa/draft-js-markdown-plugin';

const renderLanguageSelect = ({ options, onChange, selectedValue }) => (
  <select value={selectedValue} onChange={onChange}>
    {options.map(({ label, value }) => (
      <option key={value} value={value}>

const markdownPlugin = createMarkdownPlugin({ renderLanguageSelect })


Dictionary for languages available to code block switcher


const languages = {
  js: 'JavaScript'

const markdownPlugin = createMarkdownPlugin({ languages })


A list of enabled features, by default all features are turned on.

features = {
  block: Array<string>,
  inline: Array<string>,


// this will only enable BOLD for inline and CODE
// as well as header-one for blocks
const features = {
  inline: ['BOLD'],
  block: ['CODE', 'header-one'],
const plugin = createMarkdownPlugin({ features })

Available Inline features:


Available Block features:

import { CHECKABLE_LIST_ITEM } from "draft-js-checkable-list-item"
  // CHECKABLE_LIST_ITEM is a constant from 'draft-js-checkable-list-item'
  // see import statementabove


To interoperate this plugin with other DraftJS plugins, i.e. draft-js-plugins, you might need to customize the LINK and IMAGE entity type created by @zacapa/draft-js-markdown-plugin.


import createMarkdownPlugin from "@zacapa/draft-js-markdown-plugin";
import createFocusPlugin from "draft-js-focus-plugin";
import createImagePlugin from "draft-js-image-plugin";

const entityType = {

const focusPlugin = createFocusPlugin();
const imagePlugin = createImagePlugin({
  decorator: focusPlugin.decorator,
// For `draft-js-image-plugin` to work, the entity type of an image must be `IMAGE`.
const markdownPlugin = createMarkdownPlugin({ entityType });

const editorPlugins = [focusPlugin, imagePlugin, markdownPlugin];

Why fork the markdown-shortcuts-plugin?

Writing is a core part of our app, and while the markdown-shortcuts-plugin is awesome and battle-tested there are a few opinionated things we wanted to do differently. Rather than bother @ngs with tons of PRs, we figured it'd be better to own that core part of our experience fully.


Licensed under the MIT license. This plugin is forked from the excellent draft-js-markdown-shortcuts-plugin by Atsushi Nagase.

See LICENSE for the full license text.