Advance bash notes 🍣🍤🍉🍑🍞🍖🍭

Linux is extensionless

  • .txt etc. means nothing

Everything is a file

Don't use spaces/files in a driectory


man ls = view bash manual mv <file.type> <file.newtype> = changes file type ll = long list ls * = list of files and shows files in directories nicely nl = number of lines head - = shows first lines tail - = shows last lines grep = shows text that contains

Linux Permission

Things a user can do: Read(r) Write(w) Execute(x)

Users that exist:

  • owner
    • Typically the person/user who creates the file, however, it can be changed.
  • group
    • Every file belong in a single group. Group have many users in it and give acces to mulitple people
  • others
    • Everyone else not in a group or the owner

Changing Permissions:

chmod <path/file>

Streams, Redirects and Piping


    • Standard input
    • Standard output
    • Standard error

Piping and Redirects

Means we can join all these amazing commands together


THis is redirecting of STDOUT

ls > list_of_ls.txt

wc words.txt > word_count.txt

cat words.txt >> word_count.txt

This is redirecting of STDIN

wc -w < words.txt

This is redirecting of STDERR

ls missing_directory 2> ls_log.txt

  • will log the error into the file ls_log.txt, the error here is the directory does not exist so cannot be listed (you need the 2 to log the error)


We sent STDOUT and STDERR into files, but what we want is to be able to send outputs into other programs. This is very powerful and is called piping 🥓 We use | to join programs sort words.txt | head -4

ls | head -3

ls | tail -5

cat example.txt | grep it

  • this will return back all lines that contain 'it' in it

running the instance of a program is called the process, we can do multiple processes at the same time

Process Management

top = shows top processes in order of cpu and memory usaage ps = shows user processes ps = shows all processes

To kill use kill and the process ID (pid)


Sending process to background

Process in foreground

sleep 100 = will sleep your machine for 100 seconds (foreground)

Process in the background

sleep 100 & = will send this to the background (basically wont do anything but can be viewed by ps aux)