Stand With Ukraine

What is it?

Sandbox for testing AppSync integration with SST and Cognito. It was generated from SST examples for AppSync 'Notes' integration. I've added Cognito to the mix to test subscriptions and client integration. This project autogenerate types from graphql schema to allows to import typescript queries definition on the client side.

picture 1

It includes:

  1. Facebook and Google providers for Cognito identity and user pools.
  2. Integrates auth modules from Amplify library.
  3. Client side NuxtJs with Vue 2.x
  4. AppSync sample app with Cognito auth

Note: all credentials for this setup are stored under single AWS secret with name:


Secret is not provisioned. Must be created by hand using AWS Console. Values are described in sections below.

Facebook Login setup

Create new test application using Facebook for developers platform.

Select 'Add Product' and select Facebook Login.

Copy values from:

picture 2

Login to AWS Secrets Manager->Store Secret


Add two keys



Set Website URL:

Copy domain name from AWS Cognito admin panel:

picture 4

To Facebook admin panel Basic->Settings->Website: Append to the URL following path: /oauth2/idpresponse

picture 3

Add Website URL to App Domains under Basic->Settings->App Domains picture 6

Google Login setup

Create new application:

picture 1

Login to AWS Secrets Manager->Store Secret


Add two keys



Copy domain name from AWS Cognito admin panel:

picture 4

Add auth origins

picture 2

Add authorized URIs

Append to the URL following path: /oauth2/idpresponse

picture 3

Cloudflare setup

Login to AWS Secrets Manager->Store Secret


Add 3 keys




where account and one ids should be copied from Cloudflare admin interface. Api token should be generated from 'worker template' with adjusted permissions and zone id.

Edit wrangler.toml and fill:

account_id= zone_id=

replace * domains mapping with your own:

name routes

for dev and prod profiles.

picture 1

Domain setup

To keep it simple domain names are hardcoded in all files and not read from env variables. Search and Replace all instances of '' domain with your own.


Start by installing the dependencies.

$ yarn install

Deploys server cloudformation stack to the AWS and frontend app to the Cloudflare worker. Two stages are coded in the npm scripts (dev and prod):

$ yarn deploy-dev
$ yarn deploy-prod

Start development with live lambda reload

$ yarn start


Navigate to the frontend source dir:

$ cd frontend

Development mode

$ yarn install
$ yarn serve

Build for production

$ yarn build

Build for production and deploy to the Cloudflare PROD or DEV worker instance

$ yarn deploy-dev
$ yarn deploy-prod

Generate typescript

$ yarn generate

it outputs frontend/generated.ts file. Check index.vue for usage.