Typical AWS Network Architecture in one diagram (ByteByteGo Newsletter)
Terraform EKS Cluster Creation (Anton Putra YouTube Playlist)
aws eks --region eu-central-1 update-kubeconfig --name eks --profile terraform
kubectl apply -f /path_to_project/eks-aws-terraform/k8s/app.yml
EKS Add User VS. Role: How to Add IAM User and IAM Role to AWS EKS Cluster? (Anton Putra YouTube)
kubectl apply -f /path_to_project/eks-aws-terraform/k8s/rbac.yml
- How to manage Terraform State? (Anton Putra YouTube)
- werf — наш инструмент для CI/CD в Kubernetes (Дмитрий Столяров, Флант, DevOpsConf 2019)
- Werf: Glue Together Git, Docker, Helm, Kubernetes For CI/CD Pipelines
- ArgoCD Tutorial for Beginners | GitOps CD for Kubernetes (TechWorld with Nana YouTube Channel)
- ArgoCD Tutorial for Beginners: GitOps CD for Kubernetes (Anton Putra YouTube)
- ArgoCD Image Updater: Decouple CI from CD! #2 (Anton Putra YouTube)