LeetCode Solutions in Go

Welcome to my LeetCode solutions repository, where I tackle problems using Go. This repository is organized to help you navigate through the solutions efficiently.

Repository Structure

cli Directory

The cli directory contains a module for creating starter code for daily problems and for solving a specific problem by its title slug.

problems Directory

The problems directory stores the problems being solved. Each problem is stored in its own directory with the following convention:

└── title-slug.go


  • ID: The LeetCode problem ID.
  • title-slug: The URL-friendly title of the problem.

Getting Started

To use the CLI module for creating starter code:

  1. Build the CLI
go build -o leetcode cli/*.go
  1. Add the executable in your path and run the following command to see the usage


If you'd like to contribute to this repository, you can:

  • Add solutions to existing problems.
  • Improve existing solutions for better performance or readability.
  • Add new problems along with their solutions.


Feedback and suggestions are highly appreciated! If you have any ideas for improving the repository structure or the solutions themselves, feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request.

Happy coding! 🚀