
Discord bot for Valheim Plus

Primary LanguagePython


Valheim Plus discord bot based off of ckbaudio's valheim-discord-bot


Working MySQL server is needed for this bot.
table_info.sql Has Table info for the database
pip install -r requirements.txt To install Pyhton requirements.

Edit this file with your info. Setting should be self-explanitory.

Add -logfile /location/to/file.log to your start command to get a logfile.

Warning: Using the BepInEx/LogOutput.log file will not work

For WORLDSIZE user running the bot must have read permissions to the world.db.old file

Tables and data for the MySQL database.

Warning: Set up the config.py before running this
Run python3 dbsetup.py from the code dir to create tables.

Only needed if events database is missing the Bats event

Move to the code dir and run python3 eventsdbupdate.py to update the events database with new events.


python3 plusbot.py While in the code dir.
nohup python3 plusbot.py & Too run in background.
Or you can create a service to run plusbot.py under systemd

help Shows available commands

Check the optional dir for addons

Example Output:


  • March 4, 2021: Major rewrite