
scripts to install, configure and uninstall PostgreSQL for the Hub-of-Hubs database (see https://github.com/stolostron/hub-of-hubs)

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Install and configure Hub-of-Hubs database


PostgreSQL serves as the database of Hub-of-Hubs . This repository contains Ansible playbooks to install, configure and uninstall the database. For common commands to work with the database, see usage.md.

The repository also contains a go program to run performance tests and scripts to deploy the database to a Kubernetes cluster.


Go to the Contributing guide to learn how to get involved.

Getting Started

Design points

Run PostgreSQL with an operator in your Hub of hub cluster

You can follow the instructions to:

  • set up a PostgreSQL
  • use these Ansible playbooks to set up database schema, tables, and permissions, etc... on the PostgreSQL instance inside your Kubernetes cluster

Initial setup if you do not want to run PostgreSQL with an operator

  1. Create production file in the main directory with the host name of your machine to install the database, under the acm host group acm:

    <your host>
  2. Create vault file with following variables:

    • vault_ansible_user: contains the user of the machine where you install the database
    • vault_ansible_ssh_private_key_file: the path to the SSH private key file to connect to the machine
    • make sure you set up a ENV varible DB_LOGIN_USER and DB_LOGIN_PASSWORD, which is the user for creating schema, tables, etc... Put the vault file into group_vars/, in the corresponding directory (acm/acm2/acm3/ etc.)
  3. For formatting multiple lines output, add the following lines to your ansible.cfg:

    # Use the YAML callback plugin.
    stdout_callback = yaml
    # Use the stdout_callback when running ad-hoc commands.
    bin_ansible_callbacks = True
  4. Install Python3 on the host. On RHEL run: sudo dnf install python3 python3-devel -y.

  5. Disable previous postgresql. On RHEL run: sudo dnf -qy module disable postgresql

  6. Install psycopg2 locally:

    pip3 install psycopg2-binary

To install the database (without creating tables)


ansible-playbook install.yaml -i production --ask-vault-pass -l acm

Post installation tasks

  1. Create an admin user. Run inside the VM of the PostgreSQL server:

    sudo -u postgres createuser <admin user> -d
  2. Grant to the admin all the priviledges on the hoh database:

    sudo -u postgres psql -c `GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE hoh TO <admin user>;`
  3. Add the following line to /var/lib/pgsql/13/data/pg_hba.conf

    hostssl hoh     <admin-user>       scram-sha-256
  4. Set password for the users. Run inside the VM the following command for each user:

    sudo -u postgres psql -c '\password <user name>'
  5. Obtain a private key and a certificate and put them into server.key and server.crt files in the PostrgeSQL configuration directory. If you have Let's Encrypt setup, run on your VM:

    sudo /etc/letsencrypt/renewal-hooks/deploy/postgresql.deploy
  6. Configure TLS:

    ansible-playbook configure_tls.yaml -i production --ask-vault-pass -l acm

To create the tables

Note that creating tables does not change the existing tables/indexes. If you want to change an existing table/index, either drop it manually or drop all the tables.

  1. Set the following environment variables:

    • DB_LOGIN_HOST - the host of the database
    • DB_LOGIN_USER - the admin user of the database. It must have permissions to create tables.
    • DB_LOGIN_PASSWORD - the password of the admin user.
  2. Run:

    ansible-playbook create_tables.yaml -i production -l local

Psql setup (on the client machine)

  1. Create /.postgresql directory if not exists:

    mkdir -p ~/.postgresql
  2. Create root.crt on the client machine, put it into ~/.postgresql/root.crt. For example, for Let's encrypt certificates, run the following command:

    curl https://letsencrypt.org/certs/isrgrootx1.pem --output ~/.postgresql/root.crt
  3. Use psql on the client machine:

    PGSSLMODE=verify-full psql -h <the PostgreSQL VM host> -U hoh_process_user -W -d hoh

To uninstall


ansible-playbook uninstall.yaml -i production --ask-vault-pass -l acm

To drop all the tables

  1. Set the following environment variables:

    • DB_LOGIN_HOST - the host of the database
    • DB_LOGIN_USER - the admin user of the database. It must have permissions to create tables.
    • DB_LOGIN_PASSWORD - the password of the admin user.
  2. Run:

    ansible-playbook delete_tables.yaml -i production -l local

To change the database name

ansible-playbook install.yaml -i production --ask-vault-pass -l acm -e "hoh_db=hoh2"

To tune the database

ansible-playbook install.yaml -i production --ask-vault-pass -l acm -e "max_connections=550 shared_buffers=24GB random_page_cost=1.5"


  1. If you get an error about some python library not loaded:
    1. To check that the library is loaded - https://stackoverflow.com/a/42747425
    2. If you have multiple python executable installed, and the library is loaded with one of them but not loaded with another one: change the interpreter_python entry in ~/ansible.cfg to the python executable that can load the library.