Refl: Free JSON Push Notifications and Messages refl.png

Simple python script thats sends your custom message as response to request from Refl android app.


Quick install guide

  • download python script:
  • edit script to customize response
  • edit crontab to run automatically script with system reboot
crontab -e
  • add below line:
@reboot python3 ./PATH/TO/YOUR/SCRIPT/ &
  • save file and reboot system

Response customization

Find in source file this section and change to your own values

#create response headers
refl = True
notification = False
sound = False
vibration = False
stealth = True
refresh = 288

# create response message
image_url = None

The refl key must always be true, otherwise an error will be called.

The message key is responsible for the notification text (max 360 characters). Empty "message" is ignored.

title - notification title (maximum 36 characters).

image - http(s) reference to the image.

refresh - number of checks in 24 hours (0 - manual update, 288 - maximum, 96 - default).

stealth - set "true" if you want to covertly update the data on the user's device without any notifications.

notification - set "false" if you want to disable the text notification on the user's device.

sound - set "false" if you want to disable the sound notification on the user's device.

vibration - set "false" if you want to disable the vibration notification on the user's device.