This is the command-line version of the ncISO utility for creating ISO metadata and ACDD rubric HTML files from a netCDF data source.

The command line options are:

–Xms1024m and –Xmx1024m: Standard java elements for specifying the amount of memory to allocate to the ncISO utility. In this case 1024 megaBytes are specified for initial and maximum memory.

–ts THREDDS_CATALOG_URL: specifies the URL of the THREDDS catalog to process.

–num N: specifies the number of datasets to process per branch. Specifying a small number of datasets/branch, as in this case, results in a fast sample scan that is representative in THREDDS catalogs with generally homogeneous content in each branch.

Specify a large number for a translation of all content.

–depth 20: limits the crawlers descent into the catalog.

–iso: signals to the crawler to generate ISO.

–waf ROOT_WAF_FOLDER: signals the crawler to dump files to a flat WAF structure.

–custom: signals to the crawler to translate the NCML using a custom stylesheet.

–xslt: XSLT_FILENAME located in an xslt subfolder.


Crawl small example NOAA catalog and generate metadata:

java -Xms1024m -Xmx1024m -jar ncISO-2.3.5.jar -ts -num 1 -depth 20 -iso true