A small web app to be used as pomodoro style work timer.
The program has been built test-driven. Currently using Jest/Enzyme only. All front end features are tested but the timer itself is not tested using this library. The timer functions but I have not yet learnt an effective way to test a timer.
I approached this project with two goals. To learn more about styling with React and CSS and to implement a timer function.
The project was test-driven for the most part.
- Renders the control buttons to control how many sessions there are, they time spent working and the break time.
- Renders the clock showing time remaining, updates Apps state via props.
- Renders the sound icon button and controls changing of the button Icon.
Sound needs to be implemented (currently only implemented to learn how to get icons as buttons)
Break time needs to be enabled so the time immidiately begins to count down the break time.
Sessions need to control how many times the timer loops before finally stopping.
I feel more testing is needed.
The App is not very DRY with all the add/sub time methods - this needs refactoring to be simpler.
I might want to add a header to the page but will make final decision when functionality is in place.