

Primary LanguageVim ScriptThe UnlicenseUnlicense

"dotfiles" and system configuration

  • Target platforms: macOS and Red Hat-like Linuxes (eg. CentOS).
  • Set-up method: Beautiful and intricate snowflake incredibly over-engineered Ansible orchestration.
  • Visible in the screenshot:



A set of dotfiles that I've been tweaking and twiddling since the early 2000s (under version control since 2009). Characteristics include:

  • Sane Vim pasting via bracketed paste mode.
  • Write access to local clipboard from local and remote hosts, inside and outside of tmux (via Clipper).
  • Full mouse support (pane/split resizing, scrolling, text selection) in Vim and tmux.
  • Focus/lost events for Vim inside tmux.
  • Cursor shape toggles on entering Vim.
  • Italics in the terminal.
  • Bundles a (not-excessive) number of useful Vim plug-ins.
  • Conservative Vim configuration (very few overrides of core functionality; most changes are unobtrusive enhancements; some additional functionality exposed via <Leader> and <LocalLeader> mappings.
  • Relatively restrained Zsh config, Bash-like but with a few Zsh perks, such as right-side prompt, auto-cd hooks, command elapsed time printing and such.
  • Unified color-handling (across iTerm2 and Vim) via Base16 Shell.
  • Encrypted versioning of files with sensitive content (via git-cipher).
  • Comprehensive Hammerspoon config.


On macOS, the homebrew role installs a bunch of useful software.

Keyboard customization

On macOS, Karabiner-Elements is used for the following:

  • Make Caps Lock serve as Backspace (when tapped) and Left Control (when chorded with another key). When held down alone, Caps Lock fires repeated Backspace events.
  • Make Return serve as Return (when tapped) and Right Control (when chorded with another key). When held down alone, Return fires repeated Return events.
  • Maps Control-I to F6 (only in MacVim and the terminal) so that it can be mapped independently from Tab in Vim.
  • Toggle Caps Lock on by tapping both Shift keys simultaneously.
  • Makes the function keys on my external Realforce keyboard behave like the "media" keys on Apple's keyboards.
  • Swap Option and Command keys on my external Realforce keyboard.
  • Make the "application" key (extra modifier key on right-hand side) behave as "fn" on Realforce keyboard.
  • Make "pause" (at far-right of function key row) behave as "power" (effectively, sleep) on Realforce keyboard.
  • Adds a "SpaceFN" layer that can be activated by holding down Space while hitting other keys; I use this to make the cursor keys available on or near the home row in any app.


A number of tools are used to provide command-line access to Gmail and Office IMAP accounts.

  • mutt: For reading email.
  • isync: For maintaining a local cache of messages for offline access.
  • notmuch: For fast search.
  • msmtp: For sending email.
  • elinks: For viewing HTML emails.
  • urlview: For opening URLs from inside mutt.
  • terminal-notifier: For notifications.
  • lbdb: Contact autocompletion drawing from a number of sources, such as previous messages, aliases, and macOS Contacts (which can be configured to synchronize Google contacts as well).
  • imapfilter: For filtering.
  • passage: For mediating interaction with the macOS keychain.

In order for all this to work, a few items have to be stored in the macOS keychain:

  • A "generic" (A.K.A. "application") keychain items (that is, without protocols, only hostnames):
    • "Keychain Item Name": example.net (corresponds to the "host" field in ~/.msmtprc, and "Host" field in ~/.mbsyncrc).
    • "Account Name": username+mutt@example.net (corresponds to the "user" field in ~/.msmtprc, and "PassCmd" field in ~/.mbsynrc).

The following Gmail-like/Vim-like bindings are configured:

  • e: Archive (but note: leaves copy of mail in mailbox until next sync; force an immediate sync with $).
  • #: Trash mail.
  • !: Mark as spam.
  • gi: Go to inbox.
  • ga: Go to archive.
  • gt: Go to sent mail.
  • gd: Go to drafts.
  • gs: Go to starred mail.
  • gl: Go to a label (folder).
  • x: Toggle selection on entry (see also t).
  • c: Compose new message.
  • s: Toggle star.
  • *a: Select all.
  • *n: Deselect all (mnemonic: "select none").
  • *r: Select read messages.
  • *u: Select unread messages.
  • Shift-U: Mark as unread.
  • Shift-I: Mark as read.

Standard mutt stuff:

  • v: View attachments (including alternate parts for a multipart message).

Non-Gmail extensions:

  • t: Toggle selection on entire thread (see also x).
  • A: Show alternate MIME-type in MIME-multipart messages.
  • O: Save original message.
  • S: Search all using Xapian query syntax (notmuch-specific reference documentation):
    • +foo: Must include "foo".
    • -bar: Must not include "bar".
    • AND, OR, NOT, XOR: Self-evident.
    • foo NEAR bar: "foo" within 10 words of "bar" (order-independent).
    • foo ADJ bar: Like NEAR, but "foo" must appear earlier than "bar".
    • "foo bar": Match entire phrase.
    • foo*: Match "foo", "food", "foobar" etc.
    • subject:this, subject:"one two" (two consecutive words), subject:(one two) (two words anywhere in subject), subject:one AND subject:two (two words anywhere in subject).
    • subject:/some regex.*/
    • from:john, from:me@example.com
    • to:john, to:me@example.com
    • folder:Sent (prefix search)
    • date:today
    • date:yesterday
    • date:3d (exactly 3 days ago)
    • date:14d..7d (a week ago)
    • date:10d.. (since 10 days ago)
    • date:..3d (until 3 days ago)
    • date:"last week" (preceding Monday through Sunday)
    • date:"this week" or date:this_week or date:this-week (Monday to present day)
    • date:"last year" (also works with years, months, hours/hrs, minutes/mins, seconds/secs etc).
    • date:june
    • date:2018-06-01
    • is:unread
  • l: Limit listed messages:
    • ~f bob (from bob)
    • ~s foo (subject contains "foo"; "Foo" would search case-sensitively)
    • ~s foo.+bar (subject contains pattern)
    • !~s foo (subject does not contain "foo")
    • ~d >1m (messages more than 1 month old)
  • \u: Open list of URLs in message (via urlview).
  • b: Toggle (mailboxes) sidebar.
  • m: Move message(s).

Other stuff:

  • <Tab> autocompletes addresses from the lbdb database.
  • <C-t> autocompletes aliases.

Attachment menu bindings:

  • S: Save all attachments.

To have mailto links open up in mutt in iTerm:

  1. In iTerm2PreferencesProfilesGeneral, select the "Mutt" profile.
  2. Under URL SchemesSchemes handled:, select mailto.


  • $$URL$$ is documented here.
  • The convoluted use of env and zsh is required to get terminal colors working correctly.


  • tmux 2.3 or later.
  • Neovim or Vim 8.0 or later with Ruby and Python support (although there's a reasonable amount of feature detection in order to degrade gracefully).
  • Relatively recent Zsh.
  • Relatively recent Git.
  • Clipper for transparent access to the local system clipboard.
  • On macOS, iTerm2. Additionally, only the latest version of macOS (currently Sierra) gets actively tested.
  • Python to perform setup via the included install command.
  • Ruby.
  • Adobe Source Code Pro or any other fixed-width font that includes the Powerline glyphs.



git clone --recursive https://github.com/wincent/wincent.git

Note that if you're behind a firewall you may need to set up a temporary ~/.gitconfig with appropriate proxy configuration with a format such as:

	proxy = fwdproxy:8080

Or alternatively:

env http_proxy=http://fwdproxy:8080 https_proxy=http://fwdproxy:8080 git clone --recursive https://github.com/wincent/wincent


./install          # Installs everything on the local machine.
./install --help   # Info on installing specific roles, force-installing etc.
./install dotfiles # Just install dotfiles.

This sets up a local Python environment using the bundled virtualenv, bootstraps Ansible, and then uses Ansible to copy the dotfiles and configure the machine.

Again, if you're behind a firewall, you may need to make use of a proxy during the initial run:

env http_proxy=http://fwdproxy:8080 https_proxy=http://fwdproxy:8080 ./install

As a fallback strategy, in case the install script fails, you can symlink the dotfiles by hand with a command like the following:

for DOTFILE in $(find roles/dotfiles/files -maxdepth 1 -name '.*' | tail -n +2); do
  ln -sf $PWD/$DOTFILE ~

Note: The ln -sf command will overwrite existing files, but will fail to overwrite existing directories.

Warning: Beware of the .gitconfig, you need to change for your user name and email address:

$ git config --global user.name "John Doe"
$ git config --global user.email johndoe@example.com


pycrypto install fails with "'gmp.h' file not found"

If pycrypto causes the install to fail at:

src/_fastmath.c:36:11: fatal error: 'gmp.h' file not found

due to a missing GMP dependency, try:

brew install gmp
env "CFLAGS=-I/usr/local/include -L/usr/local/lib" pip install pycrypto

And then installing again:

./install --force

Broken Unicode in Vim (Linux)

If Unicode symbols appear missing or corrupted in Vim, first ensure that your terminal emulator supports UTF-8. Then, check to see if you've properly configured your system-wide UTF-8 support.

Issue this test command:

export LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8

Then run vim. Unicode in the statusline should be working.

To persist this LC_* variable binding, edit your locale accordingly:



See also


Unless otherwise noted, the contents of this repo are in the public domain. See the LICENSE for details.


The repo is written and maintained by Greg Hurrell <greg@hurrell.net> Other contributors that have submitted patches include, in alphabetical order:

  • Joe Lencioni
  • Mark Stenglein
  • Victor Igor
  • Zac Collier

This list produced with:

:read !git shortlog -s | grep -v 'Greg Hurrell' | cut -f 2-3 | sed -e 's/^/- /'