The DeepL Translator made headlines for providing better translations than Google etc. deeplr
is a quick & dirty coded package that contains functions - translate_vec()
and translate_df()
- that access the DeepL API. I was inspired by the translateR package package.
To access the API you need to get your own API key from deeplr:
Beware of the API request limits. See
- "The request size should not exceed 30kbytes. The maximum number of texts to be translated within one request should not exceed 50."
- "Please ensure your client does not exceed the limits as specified in the quota documentation delivered to you."
# Development version
# install.packages("devtools")
You can feed translate_vec()
with a single string, a vector of strings (class "character"). You can feed translate_df()
with a dataframe that contains a column of class "character".
# Load the package
# Translate a single string/character vector
dat <- c("La seule facon de savoir ce qui se passe est de perturber le systeme.",
"The whole problem with the world is that fools are always so certain of themselves")
# Without language detection and without adding set/detected source language.
translate_vec(dataset = dat,
source.lang = "EN",
target.lang = "DE",
auth_key = "enter you auth key here")
dat <- c("A dog.",
"Un chien.",
"Un perro.",
"Un cane.",
"Een hond.")
# With language detection and with adding set/detected source language.
translate_vec(dataset = dat,
source.lang = "detect",
target.lang = "DE",
add.source.lang = TRUE,
auth_key = "enter you auth key here")
# Translate a column in a dataframe
dat <- data.frame(text = c("La seule facon de savoir ce qui se passe est de perturber
le systeme.",
"The whole problem with the world is that fools are always so
certain of themselves"))
# Without language detection and without adding set/detected source language.
translate_df(dataset = dat, = "text",
source.lang = "EN",
target.lang = "DE",
auth_key = "enter you auth key here")
dat <- data.frame(text = c("A dog.",
"Un chien.",
"Un perro.",
"Un cane.",
"Een hond."))
# With language detection and with adding set/detected source language.
translate_df(dataset = dat, = "text",
source.lang = "detect",
target.lang = "DE",
add.source.lang = TRUE,
auth_key = "enter you auth key here")
# well...
- Increase efficiency of code
- Add option to output multiple languages
- Test robustness.. encoding issues etc.
License: CC BY-NC-SA 4.0