
Primary LanguageJava

#BWG Spa This is the top level folder for bwg spa projects, with the following sub projects:

#spa-gateway-idl: This project builds the java binding to the gateway IDL. The IDL describes all messages that are exchanged between the cloud and the gateway. Refer to src/main/proto/bwg.proto for the Google Protocol Buffers representation of the IDL.

#spa-gateway-agent: This project represents the Agent process that runs on the gateway board. It pulls all downlink messages from the MQTT broker in cloud that are addrressed for a gateway, and also publishes to MQTT all data that is collected on the spa system and it's WSN. Refer to spa-gateway-agent\README.md for additional details on how to deploy/run the Agent.

##Requirements Maven 3.3 and Java 8 is required to build these projects.

##To build all: from this directory: mvn clean install

#Testing Unit test classes end with 'Test', suffix. Integration Tests end with 'IT' suffix. Integration tests use both message processor and agent at same time with embedded mqtt broker and fongo (fake mongo).

to perform unit testing run from this directory:

mvn test

to run integration tests

mvn failsafe:integration-test