Spectral Element Discontinuous Galerkin Method with numerically motivated flux scheme
Authors: Kenneth Duru, Ashim Rijal and Sneha Singh
Ludwig-Maximilians-University, Munich
The notebook is based on paper by Duru et. al 2017, link to the paper is given on notebook.
All the detailed descriptions, like what the notebook is doing, are given within the notebook. Hence, notebook is self explanatory. Some exercises are given in the notebook to play around with the notebook.
In order to run the simulation download main notebook files ElasticWave.ipynb and Friction.ipynb (ElasticWaves.ipynb is for elastic 1D simulations and Friction.ipynb contains implementation of friction laws: linear, slip-weakening and rate-and-state).
Similarly download all the files with extension .py , these files are functions used in main notebooks. No need to download dg.ipynb, dg_elastic.ipynb, dg_flux_1d.ipynb and dg_flux_slip_weakening.ipynb because these files were the development version of above mentioned two main notebooks.