汉语拼音转换工具 Go 版。
go get -u github.com/go-ego/gpy
go get -u github.com/go-ego/gpy/tools/pinyin
$ pinyin **话
zhōng guó huà
$ pinyin -s zhao **话
zhong guo hua
API documentation can be found here: godoc
package main
import (
var test = `西雅图都会区; 长夜漫漫, winter is coming!`
func main() {
args := gpy.Args{
Style: gpy.Tone,
Heteronym: true}
py := gpy.Pinyin(test, args)
fmt.Println("gpy:", py)
s := gpy.ToString(py)
fmt.Println("gpy string:", s)
go func() {
fmt.Println("gpy phrase1:", phrase.Paragraph(test))
fmt.Println("gpy phrase2:", phrase.Paragraph(test))
seg := gse.New("zh, dict.txt")
// phrase.DictAdd["都会区"] = "dū huì qū"
phrase.AddDict("都会区", "dū huì qū")
fmt.Println("gpy phrase:", phrase.Paragraph(test, seg))
fmt.Println("pinyin: ", phrase.Pinyin(test))
fmt.Println("Initial: ", phrase.Initial("都会区"))
package main
import (
func main() {
hans := "**话"
// 默认
a := gpy.NewArgs()
fmt.Println(gpy.Pinyin(hans, a))
// [[zhong] [guo] [hua]]
// 包含声调
a.Style = gpy.Tone
fmt.Println(gpy.Pinyin(hans, a))
// [[zhōng] [guó] [huà]]
// 声调用数字表示
a.Style = gpy.Tone2
fmt.Println(gpy.Pinyin(hans, a))
// [[zho1ng] [guo2] [hua4]]
// 开启多音字模式
a = gpy.NewArgs()
a.Heteronym = true
fmt.Println(gpy.Pinyin(hans, a))
// [[zhong zhong] [guo] [hua]]
a.Style = gpy.Tone2
fmt.Println(gpy.Pinyin(hans, a))
// [[zho1ng zho4ng] [guo2] [hua4]]
fmt.Println(gpy.LazyPinyin(hans, gpy.NewArgs()))
// [zhong guo hua]
fmt.Println(gpy.Convert(hans, nil))
// [[zhong] [guo] [hua]]
fmt.Println(gpy.LazyConvert(hans, nil))
// [zhong guo hua]
- hotoo/pinyin: 汉语拼音转换工具 Node.js/JavaScript 版。
- mozillazg/python-pinyin: 汉语拼音转换工具 Python 版。
- mozillazg/rust-pinyin: 汉语拼音转换工具 Rust 版。
Under the MIT License, base on go-pinyin.