Pocket ID is a simple OIDC provider that allows users to authenticate with their passkeys to your services.
→ Try out the Demo

The goal of Pocket ID is to be a simple and easy-to-use. There are other self-hosted OIDC providers like Keycloak or ORY Hydra but they are often too complex for simple use cases.
Additionally, what makes Pocket ID special is that it only supports passkey authentication, which means you don’t need a password. Some people might not like this idea at first, but I believe passkeys are the future, and once you try them, you’ll love them. For example, you can now use a physical Yubikey to sign in to all your self-hosted services easily and securely.
Pocket ID is in its early stages and may contain bugs. There might be OIDC features that are not yet implemented. If you encounter any issues, please open an issue.
Pocket ID requires a secure context, meaning it must be served over HTTPS. This is necessary because Pocket ID uses the WebAuthn API which requires a secure context.
Download the
file:curl -O https://raw.githubusercontent.com/stonith404/pocket-id/main/docker-compose.yml curl -o .env https://raw.githubusercontent.com/stonith404/pocket-id/main/.env.example
Edit the
file so that it fits your needs. See the environment variables section for more information. -
docker compose up -d
You can now sign in with the admin account on http://localhost/login/setup
Pocket ID is available as a template on the Community Apps store.
Required tools:
Copy the
file in thefrontend
folder to.env
and change it so that it fits your needs.cp frontend/.env.example frontend/.env cp backend/.env.example backend/.env
Run the following commands:
git clone https://github.com/stonith404/pocket-id cd pocket-id # Checkout the latest version git fetch --tags && git checkout $(git describe --tags `git rev-list --tags --max-count=1`) # Start the backend cd backend/cmd go build -o ../pocket-id-backend cd .. pm2 start pocket-id-backend --name pocket-id-backend # Start the frontend cd ../frontend npm install npm run build pm2 start --name pocket-id-frontend --node-args="--env-file .env" build/index.js # Optional: Start Caddy (You can use any other reverse proxy) cd .. pm2 start --name pocket-id-caddy caddy -- run --config Caddyfile
You can now sign in with the admin account on http://localhost/login/setup
To use Nginx in front of Pocket ID, add the following configuration to increase the header buffer size because, as SvelteKit generates larger headers.
proxy_busy_buffers_size 512k;
proxy_buffers 4 512k;
proxy_buffer_size 256k;
As the goal of Pocket ID is to stay simple, we don't have a built-in proxy provider. However, you can use OAuth2 Proxy to add authentication to your services that don't support OIDC.
See the guide for more information.
docker compose pull
docker compose up -d
Stop the running services:
pm2 delete pocket-id-backend pocket-id-frontend pocket-id-caddy
Run the following commands:
cd pocket-id # Checkout the latest version git fetch --tags && git checkout $(git describe --tags `git rev-list --tags --max-count=1`) # Start the backend cd backend/cmd go build -o ../pocket-id-backend cd .. pm2 start pocket-id-backend --name pocket-id-backend # Start the frontend cd ../frontend npm install npm run build pm2 start build/index.js --name pocket-id-frontend # Optional: Start Caddy (You can use any other reverse proxy) cd .. pm2 start caddy --name pocket-id-caddy -- run --config Caddyfile
Variable | Default Value | Recommended to change | Description |
http://localhost |
yes | The URL where you will access the app. |
false |
yes | Whether the app is behind a reverse proxy. |
- |
yes | License Key for the GeoLite2 Database. The license key is required to retrieve the geographical location of IP addresses in the audit log. If the key is not provided, IP locations will be marked as "unknown." You can obtain a license key for free here. |
1000 |
yes | The user and group ID of the user who should run Pocket ID inside the Docker container and owns the files that are mounted with the volume. You can get the PUID and GUID of your user on your host machine by using the command id . For more information see this article. |
data/pocket-id.db |
no | The path to the SQLite database. |
data/uploads |
no | The path where the uploaded files are stored. |
http://localhost:8080 |
no | The URL where the backend is accessible. |
data/GeoLite2-City.mmdb |
no | The path where the GeoLite2 database should be stored. |
80 |
no | The port on which Caddy should listen. Caddy is only active inside the Docker container. If you want to change the exposed port of the container then you sould change this variable. |
3000 |
no | The port on which the frontend should listen. |
8080 |
no | The port on which the backend should listen. |
You're very welcome to contribute to Pocket ID! Please follow the contribution guide to get started.