
Playing with docker and nodes to see if we can have something interesting for JOTI 2016


Playing with docker and nodes to see if we can have something interesting for JOTI 2016


  • install mongo-db
  • install node-RED
  • configure data volumes
  • design twitter flow to db
  • design web page flow

to start nodered-joti: docker run -it -p 1880:1880 --name jnr nodered-joti

Record contacts serve web form -> post contact to node red via WS -> store in mongo

Identify location form should provide geolocation lookup

Tweet contact details

  • post new contact to twitter

Draw map serve status page -> connect via WS -> read all contacts so far -> listen for new contacts

Bisley watcher

  • listen to twitter for #baughurstShooters -> record to mongo -> stream to tweet monitor page

Deploy to PI

  • get docker image working on rpi Hook up the IO pins to a bread board and get it to light something up