Lagoon PHP SDK


The Lagoon SDK for PHP makes it easy for developers to connect their applications to the Lagoon GraphQL service in PHP Code.

Getting started

Require the package using compsoer.

composer require steveworley/lagoon-php-sdk

Define the $endpoint and $token to create a new client instance.

Quick Examples

Fetch all projects


use Lagoon\LagoonClient;

$client = new LagoonClient($endpoint, $token);
$customers = $client->customer()->all()->execute();

Fetch all project names


use Lagoon\LagoonClient;

$client = new LagoonClient($endpoint, $token);
$customers = $client->project()->all()->fields(['name'])->execute();

Add a project


use Lagoon\LagoonClient;

$client = new LagoonClient($endpoint, $token);
$project = [
  'name' => 'my-proejct',
  'customer' => 1,
  'openshift' => 1,
  'gitUrl' => ''
  'productEnvironment' => 'master',
  'branches' => 'master',
$customers = $client->project()->add($project)->execute();