
Primary LanguagePHP

Magento2 zipMoneyPayment


Install using Composer

To install the extension via Composer, run

  • cd <your Magento install dir>
  • composer require zipmoney/magento2
  • composer update
  • php bin/magento setup:upgrade
  • php bin/magento setup:di:compile

Install using Magento Component Manager

Note:- This extension is not yet available in the Magento Marketplace. This section will be updated once it is released in the marketplace.



Payment Section

  1. Open the Magento Admin
  2. Click the Stores icon in the left hand menu and from there choose Settings > Configuration
  3. The configuration page will open. From the little menu on the left hand side of this screen you must click Sales and then choose Payment Methods when it expands.
  4. On the Payment Methods page, click Other Payment Methods so it expands.

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  1. Set Enable to Yes and a title for the payment method “zipMoney – Buy Now Pay Later” or “zipPay – Buy Now Pay Later”
  2. Enter the Private Key and Public Key.
  3. Select your product type (zipPay or zipMoney)
  4. Set payment action to Capture, or Authorise if you want to authorise on checkout completion and capture later
  5. Set log settings to Info or Debug if you want to log all the debug information as well.
  6. Set environment to either Sandbox (for your test or development site) or Production (for your live website)
  7. Set In-Context Checkout to Yes to enable iframe checkout
  8. Set Sort Order to 0 to place the payment method on top.

Marketing Banners and Widgets Section

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  1. Scroll down and expand Marketing Banners and Widgets section
  2. Expand everything and set all options to Yes/No as per your requirement.
  3. Click Save Config up the top