
Magical page to create an AI employee

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Magic Page

by Chris Fossenier

Magic Page is a working prototype of building on the platform and making it simple for anyone to access the ai lead generation webchat.

Some Nice to Haves

  1. Find out the best way to get the "naked chat" using the chat ID so you can get creative on how you display the webchat without being bound to the MyListing format. It might require a free version of Inbox that we are comfortable activating for magic page purposes.

  2. Concurrent session support. I have started on this but was unable to complete it. If five people hit the site at the same time, I will create a unique ID for them and update the main database but there is not a good system to keep track of this through all of the things and showing the final response.

The Goal

The goal of this project was to get Vendasta's products into the hands of anyone with zero friction. In addition to that Magic Page does a good job of lead creation and feeds those leads directly into the platform in a way that can be used by Vendasta and/or partners.

A secondary goal was to demonstrate how we can quickly iterate with AI ( ChatGPT wrote this with my guidance ), our platform and creative ideas. It is very easy to see how additional products and pain points could quickly be addressed and generate leads using this approach.

For example, there could be a "Rep Magic" page that quickly checks a business' reputation given and email and website. An engaging score could be displayed ( the value ), and exposure to our products can happen in under 30 seconds. The same for snapshot, social posting, and many more.

Areas of Improvement

The installation is currently configured to run on a simple nodejs server, and could be improved to run with a service like nginx for reliability and scalability.

The application is not setup to handle concurrent sessions in a reliable manner. The groundwork is there with unique session, IDs, but there is more work to be done to ensure that the unique session is maintained for all visitors. I had planned to do this but ran out of time.

Improved error checking is required. For example, if someone was to enter an invalid website, but use the proper formatting for a website URL, the app does not handle this properly. Another example is when the app gets a JSON payload from Zapier, if there are some special characters, it could error out and not display the text as expected. All in all, there is much room for improvement.

Required Tech Stack

  1. Linux ( was build using Ubuntu )
  2. NextJS ( there is an install script to assist )
  3. Postgres ( version )
  4. ScreenShot API (screenshotapi.net)
  5. Zapier API zapier.com
  6. Vendasta Platform for Automations

Server Setup

  • Linux
  • open up firewall for 80, 443 for node app
  • clone the Magic Page repo
  • install nextjs
  • install postgres
  • (optional) - could setup on nginx / other

Linux Setup

Standard setup, make sure you size your instance properly to achieve the performance you want based on potential usage. Update your server.

User Security

Lock down your instance as per your best practices such as revoking root login, etc.

Firewall Access

Open up your firewall to allow 80, 443 at a minimum.

Setup your SSL Certificates

Cerbot works good. Store your certs in a location that your app will have access to, and add them into the appropriate location in your .env.local file.

Clone Magic Page

git clone https://github.com/stooky/magic-page git ls-files -z | xargs -0 git update-index --assume-unchanged

Install Nextjs

npm npm install next react react-dom scripts/installnpm.sh

Install Postgres

Run the command below in psql




Run the creation script database_scheme.sql in /scripts

\i /path/to/database_scheme.sql