
⁂ Github Action to upload files to web3.storage

MIT LicenseMIT


Upload files to web3.storage from a Github Action, and output the IPFS Content ID.

A lightweight wrapper around w3cli. As a composite github action all it does is configure and call the cli for you. See the steps in ./action.yml.


uses: web3-storage/add-to-web3@v3
id: w3up
  path_to_add: 'dist'
  proof: ${{ secrets.W3_PROOF }}
  secret_key: ${{ secrets.W3_PRINCIPAL }}

# use the outputs in subsequent steps
# "bafkreicysg23kiwv34eg2d7qweipxwosdo2py4ldv42nbauguluen5v6am"
- run: echo ${{ steps.w3up.outputs.cid }}

# "https://bafkreicysg23kiwv34eg2d7qweipxwosdo2py4ldv42nbauguluen5v6am.ipfs.w3s.link"
- run: echo ${{ steps.w3up.outputs.url }}

Generating a secret_key and proof

On your dev machine, use w3cli to generate a secret_key and proof to allow this action to upload to a space.

Install it from npm and login as described here https://web3.storage/docs/quickstart/ then create a key like this:

# Use the `did` in the input to the next command. 
# Use `key` as your `secret_key` for add_to_web3.
$ w3 key create --json
  "did": "did:key:z6Mk...",
  "key": "MgCaT7Se2QX9..."

Keep the key safe. Save it as a secret on your repo.

Copy the did for use in the next command. The output is a base64 encoded ucan proof that delegates capabilities to store/add and upload/add on your current space to the key generated above.

# Delegate capabilities to the `did` we created above.
$ w3 delegation create did:key:z6Mk... -c 'store/add' -c 'upload/add' --base64

The capabilies store/add and upload/add are the minimum required to upload files to web3.storage. This proof will not allow that key to list uploads in this space for example.

To recap:

  • Use the key value from the output of w3 key create --json as the secret_key for this action.
  • Use the did value from that output as the audience for w3 delegation create <audience> shown above.
  • Use the output of w3 delegation create <audience> --base64 as the proof for this action.



Required The path the root directory of your static website or other content that you want to publish to IPFS.


Required The base64 encoded key to use to sign UCAN invocations to web3.storage.

Create one using w3 key create. See: https://github.com/web3-storage/w3cli#w3_principal


Required A base64 encoded UCAN delegating capabilities the signing key above.

Create a proof using w3cli, delegating store/add' and upload/add`

$ AUDIENCE_DID="<the DID for secret_key created by `w3 key create`>"
$ w3 delegation create $AUDIENCE_DID  -c 'store/add' -c 'upload/add' --base64`
Show advanced options: hidden, wrap


Default false

Should hidden files prefixed with a . be included when found in the path_to_add

see: See: https://github.com/web3-storage/w3cli#w3-up-path-path


Default true

If path_to_add points to a file it will be wrapped in a directory to preserve the filename. To disable that set wrap: "true".

See: https://github.com/web3-storage/w3cli#w3-up-path-path



The IPFS content ID for the directory on IPFS. e.g. bafkreicysg23kiwv34eg2d7qweipxwosdo2py4ldv42nbauguluen5v6am


The IPFS gateway URL for the directory e.g. https://dweb.link/ipfs/bafkreicysg23kiwv34eg2d7qweipxwosdo2py4ldv42nbauguluen5v6am


💌 Considerate contributions welcome!