
✨ Your dashboard for storacha.network

Primary LanguageTypeScript


Your dashboard for storacha.network

Upload files & manage your spaces from your browser.

Getting Started

To use the production site visit https://console.storacha.network

To contribute and customize console, copy .env.tpl to .env and run the development server:

pnpm dev

Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.

You can start editing the page by modifying app/page.tsx. The page auto-updates as you edit the file.

Using an alternate w3up service

By default, this app connects to https://up.web3.storage, and uses did:web:web3.storage as provider. To use an alternate service and/or provider, specify the service URL, service DID and provider DID in your environment variables, like so:


An example .env.local file can be found in .env.tpl.

If you are using w3infra, the service URL will be displayed as the UploadApiStack's ApiEndpoint output once npm start has successfully set up your development environment.