Create signed Advertisement records for the InterPlanetary Network Indexer
IPNI is a content routing system optimized to take billions of CIDs from large-scale data providers, and allow fast lookup of provider information using these CIDs over a simple HTTP REST API. –
This library handles encoding and signing of IPNI EntryChunk and Advertisement objects. To share them with an indexer follow the guidance in the spec here
Supports single and extended providers by separating Provider and Advertisement creation.
Pass and array of Providers to your Advertisement and it figures out how to encode it. Only 1? You get a simple Advertisement. More than 1? It's an ExtendedProvider
encoding for you with a signature from each provider.
Derived from reference implementation in
See the IPLD Schema for the encoded Advertisement shape. The encoding logic in this lib is validated against that schema.
Use node
> 18. Install as dependency from npm
npm i @web3-storage/ipni
Encode an IPNI EntryChunk
as a dag-cbor block from 1 or more multihashes.
import { EntryChunk } from '@web3-storage/ipni'
import { sha256 } from 'multiformats/hashes/sha2'
const hash = await sha256.digest(new Uint8Array())
const chunk = EntryChunk.fromMultihashes([hash])
const block = await chunk.export()
// the EntryChunk CID should be passed to an Advertisement as the `entries` Link.
console.log(`entries cid ${block.cid}`)
Encode a chain of EntryChunks, from a CARv2 Index. Write each encoded to a bucket or block-store.
Use calculateEncodedSize()
to determine when to split the input into additional chunks.
Chain EntryChunks together as a CID linked list via the next
import fs from 'node:fs'
import { Readable } from 'node:stream'
import { MultihashIndexSortedReader } from 'cardex'
import { EntryChunk, RECOMMENDED_MAX_BLOCK_BYTES } from '@web3-storage/ipni'
const carIndexReader = MultihashIndexSortedReader.createReader({
reader: Readable.toWeb(fs.createReadStream(`car.idx`)).getReader()
let entryChunk = new EntryChunk()
while (true) {
const { done, value } = await
if (done) break
if (entryChunk.calculateEncodedSize() >= RECOMMENDED_MAX_BLOCK_BYTES) {
const block = await entryChunk.export()
writeEntryChunk(block) // put to bucket
entryChunk = new EntryChunk({ next: block.cid })
const block = await entryChunk.export()
writeAdvert({entries: block.cid })
Encode an signed advertisement for a new batch of entries available from a single provider.
Construct A Provider with a protocol, an array of addresses, and the peerID with signing keys.
The protocol
string should be one of
for Bitswap datatransfer (0x0900
for Filecoin graphsync datatransfer (0x0910
for HTTP IPFS Gateway trustless datatransfer (0x0920
The addresses
should be an array of multiaddrs
that are providing the entries e.g. ['/dns4/']
You will need a mechanism for fetching the peerId and signing keys for your providers, e.g createFromJSON
from @libp2p/peer-id-factory
Pass the provider to an Advertisement along with the entries CID, a context ID, and a CID for the previous batch of entries or null
if this is the first advertisement in your chain.
Call advertisement.signAndEncode()
to export a valid Advertisement ready for encoding as IPLD.
import fs from 'node:fs'
import { CID } from 'multiformats/cid'
import * as Block from 'multiformats/block'
import { sha256 } from 'multiformats/hashes/sha2'
import * as dagJson from '@ipld/dag-json'
import { createEd25519PeerId } from '@libp2p/peer-id-factory'
import { Provider, Advertisement } from '@web3-storage/ipni'
const previous = null // CID for previous batch. Pass `null` for the first advertisement in your chain
const entries = CID.parse('baguqeera4vd5tybgxaub4elwag6v7yhswhflfyopogr7r32b7dpt5mqfmmoq') // entry batch to provide
const context = new Uint8Array([99]) // custom id for a set of multihashes
// a peer, addr, and protocol that will provider your entries
const http = new Provider({
protocol: 'http',
addresses: '/dns4/',
peerId: await createEd25519PeerId() // load your peerID and private key here
// an advertisement with a single http provider
const advert = new Advertisement({ providers: [http], entries, context, previous })
// sign and export to IPLD form per schema
const value = await advert.encodeAndSign()
// encode with you favorite IPLD codec and share with indexer node
const block = await Block.encode({ value, codec: dagJson, hasher: sha256 })
fs.writeFileSync(block.cid.toString(), block.bytes)
A dag-json
encoded Advertisement (formatted for readability):
"Addresses": [
"ContextID": {
"/": {
"bytes": "Yw"
"Entries": {
"/": "baguqeera4vd5tybgxaub4elwag6v7yhswhflfyopogr7r32b7dpt5mqfmmoq"
"IsRm": false,
"Metadata": {
"/": {
"bytes": "gID0AQ"
"Provider": "12D3KooWRWhMPufv96SaKNkBF5YbySbTT4epRRCpQbxZ5d487Dit",
"Signature": {
"/": {
"bytes": "CiQIARIg6TQ6LpZznok4/IZxoyfpfb9v/5iIBrfZ5j8MOB2wcW0SGy9pbmRleGVyL2luZ2VzdC9hZFNpZ25hdHVyZRoiEiC9Br3J4IwxG525lPNBGPaH4pfu//jFgdX8y9mCZJuRBCpAf+hMGDqxLppZZhoaLGxlwQk4XJH6MkRbRWQ+Bx6R+fkU7+wpH4mmD3159pdxHFr3jTJenRbNt27i711mIHp7AA"
Encode a signed advertisement with an Extended Providers section and no context id or entries cid to announce that all previous and future entries are available from multiple providers or different protocols.
You only need to announce the additional providers once. Subsequent ExtendedProvider advertisements are additive. The indexer will record that your entries are available from the union of all the ExtendedProvider records.
Note: it is not currently possible to remove a Provider once announced (issue)
You may announce a set of ExtendedProviders with a context to inform the indexer that only the subset of entries with the same context id are available from these extended providers.
The first provider passed to the Advertisement constructor is used as the top level provider for older indexers that don't yet support the ExtendedProvider
import fs from 'node:fs'
import { CID } from 'multiformats/cid'
import * as Block from 'multiformats/block'
import { sha256 } from 'multiformats/hashes/sha2'
import * as dagJson from '@ipld/dag-json'
import { createEd25519PeerId } from '@libp2p/peer-id-factory'
import { Provider, createExtendedProviderAd } from '../index.js'
const previous = null // CID for previous advertisement. Pass `null` for the first advertisement in your chain
// create a provider for each peer + protocol that will provider your entries
const bits = new Provider({ protocol: 'bitswap', addresses: ['/ip4/'], peerId: await createEd25519PeerId() })
const http = new Provider({ protocol: 'http', addresses: ['/dns4/'], peerId: await createEd25519PeerId() })
const graf = new Provider({
protocol: 'graphsync',
addresses: ['/ip4/'],
peerId: await createEd25519PeerId(),
metadata: {
pieceCid: CID.parse('bafybeiczsscdsbs7ffqz55asqdf3smv6klcw3gofszvwlyarci47bgf354'),
fastRetrieval: true,
verifiedDeal: true
// create an ad with the extra provider info and no context or entries
// to denote that they apply to all previous and future advertisements
const advert = createExtendedProviderAd({ providers: [http, bits, graf], previous })
// sign and export to IPLD form per schema
const value = await advert.encodeAndSign()
// encode with you favorite IPLD codec and share with indexer node
const block = await Block.encode({ value, codec: dagJson, hasher: sha256 })
// share with indexer
fs.writeFileSync(block.cid.toString(), block.bytes)
A dag-json
encoded Advertisement (formatted for readability):
"Addresses": [
"ContextID": {
"/": {
"bytes": ""
"Entries": {
"/": "bafkreehdwdcefgh4dqkjv67uzcmw7oje"
"ExtendedProvider": {
"Override": false,
"Providers": [
"Addresses": [
"ID": "12D3KooWQWY5d9xp8on1cizKBdbscfKo1qcyovk7KwV9kKKXWpwK",
"Metadata": {
"/": {
"bytes": "gID0AQ"
"Signature": {
"/": {
"bytes": "CiQIARIg2k4OefnZgOzUQo0VQE5Yg9KubOpw3gTWHeQprfuidZISKS9pbmRleGVyL2luZ2VzdC9leHRlbmRlZFByb3ZpZGVyU2lnbmF0dXJlGiISIOrC3ZauKlzBVU7HWLR3VjlW79cf9D7xMKMcbqBXA1bQKkB1rdZLHfzTDpfZZ2IH6HJHsGSkaKbmRD+QSIIb0z73sKoSMutXeuJiK2cJ54PL6m2hPCWJyV9fBcuYMKDAXVwA"
"Addresses": [
"ID": "12D3KooWJn37snQzNk3BTBgzGFJpxg7er8CLofq2789PqaPzPF1g",
"Metadata": {
"/": {
"bytes": "gBI"
"Signature": {
"/": {
"bytes": "CiQIARIghSB7P4RGuK3xYFMW/Z5fKNvzMqDb424fhxkTRfde5B8SKS9pbmRleGVyL2luZ2VzdC9leHRlbmRlZFByb3ZpZGVyU2lnbmF0dXJlGiISIBV1UXktJsOIfiXLGueJmvbpMYOXwdk8tMzRWOBSb4VIKkCzt7tvBMp/mjM4P2A3qU5XfvWF0/7M2cBoNLCM24jVu1roj5yyj1NA/xLA+ap97YY79EPx7eQWEnMxF15wr2EL"
"Addresses": [
"ID": "12D3KooWG8RfSPYd5RgUFsAdJL1HnAvGMsce7CLJ1hcQTQa7cVAQ",
"Metadata": {
"/": {
"bytes": "kBKjaFBpZWNlQ0lE2CpYJQABcBIgWZSEOQZfKWGe9BKAy7kyvlLFbZnFlmtl4BESOfCYu+9sVmVyaWZpZWREZWFs9W1GYXN0UmV0cmlldmFs9Q"
"Signature": {
"/": {
"bytes": "CiQIARIgXcaHEiXQHTgt2OE9I4oWwNv7gtbqWMCI03gSEh1O00kSKS9pbmRleGVyL2luZ2VzdC9leHRlbmRlZFByb3ZpZGVyU2lnbmF0dXJlGiISIGyVi9n2pbJhuoXyE4k+SzPKpL0eb2nENXNUWaN0i/eLKkBluzmx84WCkzLkFo+XtYzpuqR5t8aJXf8Y55XoNhSPT79UAvwSMWLbKy2C9GXORQb5hCHye1cOaT11zisssKMA"
"IsRm": false,
"Metadata": {
"/": {
"bytes": "gID0AQ"
"Provider": "12D3KooWQWY5d9xp8on1cizKBdbscfKo1qcyovk7KwV9kKKXWpwK",
"Signature": {
"/": {
"bytes": "CiQIARIg2k4OefnZgOzUQo0VQE5Yg9KubOpw3gTWHeQprfuidZISGy9pbmRleGVyL2luZ2VzdC9hZFNpZ25hdHVyZRoiEiARPrSzHMsp4L/L9zSmNQz2ooRAEznsM76n+BfkIewNlipA5Q3UW14STPAyTotfP7pHGseL1Yi8Bh5hf+X0yuYAAsIsRpnYQJKrAcWxQS+oGwQLa4pJ+NXCiro6M98Ey2SlBQ"