Some tools that I've created to monitor / manage my server
LGSM-Manager is a Python script that update a mysql table with servers status (checked by the Python script).
There is a PHP script that creates a table with all the servers and their respective status.
You can add as many servers as you want in the configuration file, just follow this syntax :
I'll take apache for example
name=Apache HTTP
name=Apache HTTPs
- 'name' : An option to set the nice name of a server
- 'port' : The port (TCP) used by the server
- 'url' : Option to specify an url to connect to the server (is usefull to srcds servers eg: steam://connect/ )
- 'in_maintain' : If the server is in maintain then, set it to '1'
Don't forget to change your options for the database in the 'monitoring.php' file.
Two ways to set it up :
- Create a symbolic link to your web folder (ln -s /path/to/source /path/to/destination)
- Just copy the script in your web folder :p
You need to run the Python script every time you want to check the servers status, uh too boring.
On a linux terminal run :
apt update
apt install cron
Cron is now installed, let's configure it :p
Avoid editing the crontab of root
crontab -e #-> Edit the crontab for the current user
Add this line to your crontab file
* * * * * /path/to/
It will run the script every minute
Start your webserver (if not started) and go to the path of 'monitoring.php'
It should work ^^