
Limiting the number of active users with IP marzban

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Table of Contents


At first you need add this to your xray config file(If it doesn't exist) :

"log": {
    "loglevel": "info"

loglevel then save it

Attention, this script only supports Python version 3.8 and above. If your Python is old, please update it(you can check your python version with python3 -V).

At first update your system and install pip

sudo apt update -y &&
sudo apt install python3-pip -y &&
pip install websockets &&
pip install pytz &&
git clone https://github.com/houshmand-2005/V2IpLimit.git &&
cd V2IpLimit &&
cd Marzban ;



After that you need to enter your domain or server IP(and other information) in the v2iplimit_config.json file

Run the Script

To run the program You have 2 options :

  1. Using the screen (recommended) with this Video guide
  2. Using CronJob (if you have a lot user then probably this one is better)


You can change this file according to your needs:

  "WRITE_LOGS_TF": "True", // --> write the logs like who disable and how many users are active now and ...
  "SEND_LOGS_TO_TEL": "False", // --> send logs to a telegram bot
  "LIMIT_NUMBER": 2, // --> number of active IPs for all users
  "LOG_FILE_NAME": "log_file_name.log",
  "TELEGRAM_BOT_URL": "https://api.telegram.org/bot[add_your_bot_token_here]/sendMessage", // --> get your token from @BotFather and delete the '[' and ']'
  "CHAT_ID": 111111111, // get from here --> @RawDataBot
  "EXCEPT_USERS": ["Username", "Username2"], // --> Accounts in this list will not be deactivated
  "PANEL_USERNAME": "admin", // --> Add your Marzban username here
  "PANEL_PASSWORD": "admin", // --> Add your Marzban password here
  "PANEL_DOMAIN": "sub.domain.com:443", // --> Add your Marzban domain name with port here
  "TIME_TO_CHECK": 240, // --> Check every x seconds (240 = 4minutes)
  "INACTIVE_DURATION": 210, // --> You can specify how long users should be disabled (in seconds)
    ["user1", 4],
    ["user2", 1]
  ], // --> You can apply any number of IP limit per user like this, user1 can have 4 IPs
  "SERVER_NAME": "", // --> Optional, You can give your script a name that will appear in your logs.
  "PRETTY_PRINT": "True" // --> Optional, Logs will be sent to you in Telegram with a better appearance

This program is activated every 4 minutes (you can change it with TIME_TO_CHECK), it sends information, and users who have used more than the specified number of IPs are deactivated, and after x minutes(According to INACTIVE_DURATION), all users are activated. And it is checked again if there is a need to deactivate the user in these x minutes, and if so, it will do so. And again after x minutes all users are activated and...

As a result, users who use more than the specified IP cannot use their account unless they are equal to or less than the IP limit.

Important notes


Video guide
As you know, this program must always be running, so there are many ways to do this, but I recommend using the screen command (be sure to read about it so you don't get into trouble.)
First, hit the screen command

cd V2IpLimit &&
cd Marzban ;

On the screen that opens, press the space bar Then run the program.

python3 v2_ip_limit.py

Now you can keep the program running in the background with the combined control A and D. Now if your connection to the server is interrupted, the program will remain running.

To see active screens Run this command

screen -ls

And to go to that screen, this command

screen -r {id}


chmod +x cronjob.sh v2_ip_limit.py

Then open your crontab

crontab -e

Then add this line to your crontab
10 */6 * * * /root/V2IpLimit/Marzban/cronjob.sh >> /root/V2IpLimit/Marzban/cron_logs_run.log 2>&1
this means every 6 hours and 10 minutes, disable the program and run it again(You can change the time of this scheduling. tutorial)

This way works if you have cloned the project in the root, otherwise you have to change the path of the files according to the location of the folder in the cronjob and this file

every time the crontab is working, it adds a logs to this file crontab_log.log(in this path V2IpLimit/Marzban/) so with this you can make sure your scheduling is working

Tips on location

To change the time of the logs to your local time And considering only the IPs related to your country change line 27 and 28 of the v2_ip_limit.py file. (By default they are Iran)

Common Issues and Solutions

  1. Incorrect Count of Connected IPs

    • Why does the number of detected IPs decrease after a while?
    • This problem arises when the WebSocket connection becomes corrupted during log transmission. So you can use CronJob method
  2. Uninstalling V2IpLimit Script

    • How can I uninstall the V2IpLimit script?
    • Simply delete the folder with rm -rf V2IpLimit. If the script is running, stop it by pressing CTRL + C.
  3. Connections Persisting After Disabling

    • Users remain connected even after disabling. Why?
    • This issue is related to the xray core. Connections persist until the user manually closes them. So you have to wait a little until all the connections are closed
  4. Restarting After Changing JSON Config File

    • Is a restart needed after modifying the JSON config file?
    • No, a restart isn't necessary. The program adapts to changes after the specified INACTIVE_DURATION.
  5. Running Script on Different VPS

    • Can I run the script on a different VPS?
    • Absolutely, the script is flexible and works seamlessly on any VPS or even on your local machine.
  6. Tunneling and User IP Detection

    • Tunneling returns the tunnel server IP for users. Any solutions?
    • Tunneling poses challenges. For better IP detection, consider alternative methods Read More Here
  7. I'm not from Iran and script says There is no active user

    • If you don't live in Iran you must replace your location in the code IP_LOCATION because script only considers IPs related to your location (to increase accuracy) you can get your timezone and your location from https://ip-api.com/ Also it isf better to replace your timezone(DATE_TIME_ZONE) that this site gave you so that the logs show you the correct time. For More information read Here

Video tutorial:


Additionally, a friend has created a video that you can watch here (in Persian):


If you found V2IpLimit useful and would like to support its development, you can donate on the following crypto network:

  • TRON network (TRX): TLARb1Ns5vA7pH6wqSyZGreDbGooS85Mi5

Thank you for your support!

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