Reclass documentation generator.
Generates HTML documentation of Reclass model including:
- Nodes
- Classes
- files from model directories
- init.yml files
- Source files with syntax highlighting
- Comments parsed from YAML files
- Class search
- Property search
- Property inheritance
Each class contains information about:
- Dependencies (included classes)
- Dependents (which classes include current class)
- Applications
- Properties
- Merge tracking (from where each property has been merged)
- Interpolated properties
- Install Node.js with NPM
- Run
npm install reclass-doc
usage: reclass-doc [-h] [-v] [--output OUTPUT_DIR] [--media-dir MEDIA_DIR]
[--node-dir NODE_DIR] [--class-dir CLASS_DIR]
[--template TEMPLATE_DIR] [--config CONFIG_FILE] [-w] [-s]
[--port PORT] [--verbose {log,debug,info,warn,error}]
Positional arguments:
reclass_dir Reclass directory
Optional arguments:
-h, --help Show this help message and exit.
-v, --version Show program's version number and exit.
--output OUTPUT_DIR Output directory
--media-dir MEDIA_DIR Media dir
--node-dir NODE_DIR Reclass node sub-directory
--class-dir CLASS_DIR Reclass classes sub-directory
--template TEMPLATE_DIR Template dir
--config CONFIG_FILE Config JSON filename
-w Dynamically watch for changes and rebuild
-s Start express server
--port PORT Server port
--verbose {log,debug,info,warn,error} Logging verbose level
cd ./reclass_root_dir
# Build documentation into reclass_root_dir/doc
# Build documentation into ./my-reclass-doc and use ./my-reclass-root as Reclass root directory
reclass-doc --output ./my-reclass-doc ./my-reclass-root
You can build demo documentation yourself by cloning this repository and executing reclass-doc ./demo-reclass
Configuration File
Configuration filename is set to <reclass_root>/reclass-config.json
unless specified using --config
Following configuration options can be set in configuration file.
/** Reclass root directory */
reclassDir: string;
/** Documentation output directory */
outputDir?: string;
/** Nodes directory in reclass root dir */
nodeDir?: string;
/** Classes directory in reclass root dir */
classDir?: string;
/** Template directory */
templateDir?: string;
/** Media source directory to be copied to documentation output */
mediaSrcDir?: string;
/** Media directory relative to documentation output */
mediaOutDir?: string;
/** Assets source directory relative to template dir */
assetsSrcDir?: string;
/** Assets destination directory relative to documentation output */
assetsOutDir?: string;
/** Template globals */
globals?: { [K: string]: any };
/** PUG options */
pugOptions?: pug.Options;
/** Documentation title */
title?: string;
/** Documentation logo url */
logoUrl?: string;
/** If to start express server */
startServer?: boolean;
/** Express server port */
serverPort?: number;
/** If to watch changes and rebuild documentation automatically */
watch?: boolean;
/** If to watch for reclass dir changes */
watchReclass?: boolean;
/** If to watch for template changes */
watchTemplate?: boolean;
/** If to watch for media directory changes */
watchMedia?: boolean;
/** Logger log level */
logLevel?: LOG_LEVEL;
Custom template
You can create your own template and specify path to it using --template
flag or templateDir
config property.
Reclass-doc is using pug as templating engine.
See template
directory in this repository for more information.
Copyright 2017 Jiri Hybek
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.